
2 unusual facts about amateur radio operator

Amateur radio operator

WOSM's annual Jamboree On The Air is Scouting's largest activity, with a half million Scouts and Guides speaking with each other using amateur radio each October.

Matthew Sands

As a 12 year old Boy Scout, Sands was motivated by his scoutmaster, who was a radio amateur, to build his own shortwave radio receiver.

Föreningen Sveriges Sändareamatörer

Key membership benefits of the SSA include the sponsorship of amateur radio operating awards, radio contests, and a QSL bureau for members who regularly communicate with amateur radio operators in other countries.

Latvijas Radio Amatieru Līga

Key membership benefits of LRAL include the sponsorship of amateur radio operating awards and radio contests, and a QSL bureau for those members who regularly communicate with amateur radio operators in other countries.

Polski Związek Krótkofalowców

Key membership benefits of the PZK include the sponsorship of amateur radio operating awards, radio contests, and a QSL bureau for members who regularly communicate with amateur radio operators in other countries.

see also

26223 Enari

It is named after Akihiko Enari, a Japanese amateur radio operator who took part in the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station program.

Anthony W. England

As the second amateur radio operator to operate from space, England and fellow astronaut Owen K. Garriott were honored with a Special Achievement Award from the Dayton Hamvention in 2002.


Following a proposal developed by Lt Col Adrian Simpson that a small number of stations located around Britain would not work, the task of developing a comprehensive listening organization was given to Ralph Mansfield, 4th Baron Sandhurst, an enthusiastic amateur radio operator who had served with the Royal Engineers Signal Service during World War I, and had been commissioned as a Major in the Royal Corps of Signals in 1939.