
unusual facts about anarchists

Anarchism and Marxism

During the Spanish Civil War of 1936–1939, although the anarchists and Marxists both fought in a united front against the fascist movement of General Francisco Franco, the revolutionary Marxists of the Workers' Party of Marxist Unification (POUM), the anarcho-syndicalists of the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT), and the anarchists of the Federación Anarquista Ibérica (FAI) faced repression and attacks from the Communist party.

Anton Graf von Arco auf Valley

His action triggered bloody reprisals by communists and anarchists in Munich in which a number of people were killed, including Prince Gustav of Thurn and Taxis.


Summarizing her 1991 study of Germanic neopaganism, literary scholar Stefanie von Schnurbein describes Ásatrúarfélagið as a "mix of individualistic anarchists, atheistic church opponents, and racist spiritualists".

Black Mask

Black Mask (anarchists), the original name of the situationist group later known as Up Against the Wall Motherfuckers

Bob Black

The Abolition of Work and Other Essays (1986), draws upon some ideas of the Situationist International, the utopian socialists Charles Fourier and William Morris, anarchists such as Paul Goodman, and anthropologists such as Richard Borshay Lee and Marshall Sahlins.

Camillo Berneri

With Carlo Rosselli, Berneri organized the first column of Italian volunteers to fight in the Spanish Civil War against Francisco Franco's attempted coup, where he took part in the battles of Monte Pelado and Huesca (in Aragon) together with the Spanish anarchists of Francisco Ascaso Column and the Italians of the Matteotti Battalion.

Cleveland Hall, London

In the 1870s and 1880s various groups of political refugees came to London, including French communards, German socialists, Russian Jews and Italian anarchists such as Tito Zanardelli.

Dos Fraye Vort

Rocker objected that he neither spoke the language, nor knew much about the Jewish anarchist movement in England, although he had spent some time with Jewish anarchists in Whitechapel, London.

Economics of fascism

During the Spanish Republic, workers' groups had aligned with the communists, anarchists or other republican forces.

Eel Pie Island

In 1969, the Eel Pie Island Hotel was occupied by a small group of local anarchists including illustrator Clifford Harper.

Ethel MacDonald

In the crackdown following the events of May 1937 she assisted the escape of anarchists wanted by the Communist secret police and smuggled into prison letters and food for fellow anarchists held by regional authorities.

Faction War

Most of the remaining Anarchists seek to return to Sigil in force to become its new rulers.

Frank Leech

In 1937 he gave shelter to a number of anarchists of the Schwarzrotgruppe (a group advocating the assassination of Adolf Hitler), fleeing Nazi Germany after a foiled plot to end the Führer's life.

Gare de Pont-Rémy

In 1903, the station witnessed the arrest of three leaders of the bande à Jacob (Jacob's band), a gang of anarchists (Marius Jacob, Pélissard and Félix Bour).

Gus and the Anarchists

Gus and the Anarchists is a 1915 American silent comedy film featuring Oliver Hardy.

Immigration Act of 1918

Among the more notorious anarchists deported under the Act were Luigi Galleani and several of his adherents.

International Conference of Rome for the Social Defense Against Anarchists

The International Conference of Rome for the Social Defense Against Anarchists was held between November 24 and December 21, 1898 following the assassination of Empress Elisabeth of Austria by Luigi Lucheni on the promenade of Lake Geneva on September 10, 1898.

International Working People's Association

A final move to relaunch the IWPA, more successful than the 1907 effort, was made in December 1921 at another convention of international anarchists held in Berlin.

James E. Wadham

Anarchists Emma Goldman and Ben Reitman came to town to lecture, against the advice of mayor Wadham.

Jay Fox

These events were lost in the wake of McKinley's assassination and the hatred that was aimed at anarchists and the Home colonists.

José Robles

When Berzin disputed with NKVD official Aleksandr Mikhailovich Orlov about the relative priority to be given to preserving the military efficiency of Spanish Republican forces vs. conducting NKVD purges of Spanish Anarchists, POUM etc., and lost the favor of Stalin as a result, then Robles' knowledge of behind-the-scenes Soviet maneuverings in Spain became highly inconvenient to the Soviets.

Kate Richards O'Hare

In prison, O'Hare met the anarchists Emma Goldman and Gabriella Segata Antolini, and worked with them to improve prison conditions.

La Revista Blanca

In its first stage, it relied on collaborations by non anarchists such as Leopoldo Alas Clarín, Miguel de Unamuno, Manuel Cossío, José Nakens, Fernando Giner de los Ríos, Jaume Brossa, and Pere Coromines.

Martín Fierro

In Thomas Pynchon's novel Gravity's Rainbow, a group of Argentine anarchists led by Francisco Squalidozzi collaborate with a German filmmaker, Gerhardt von Göll, to create a film version of Martín Fierro.

Milly Witkop

After World War II broke out, Witkop, like her husband and other anarchists such as Max Nettlau and Diego Abad de Santillán, supported the Allies because she felt Nazism could not be defeated with pacifist means.

Nestor Makhno

It remains controversial to this day, continuing to inspire some anarchists (notably the platformism tendency) because of the clarity and functionality of the structures it proposes, while drawing criticism from others (including, at the time of publication, Voline and Malatesta) who viewed its implications as too rigid and hierarchical.

Nothing New for Trash Like You

#*Deals with the Sacco and Vanzetti case, in which two Italian anarchists were executed for murder in 1927.

Paul Lafargue

The task given to Lafargue consisted mainly of gathering a Marxist leadership in Madrid, while exercising an ideological influence through unsigned articles in the newspaper La Emancipación (where he defended the need to create a political party of the working class, one of the main topics opposed by the anarchists).

Revolutionary Cells – Animal Liberation Brigade

We are anarchists, communists, anti-racists, animal liberationists, earth liberationists, luddites, feminists, queer liberationists, and many more things across various other fronts.

Richard Greeman

Praxis has published Serge’s works for the first time in Russian translation as well as books by anarchists like Volin and libertarian Marxists like Maximilian Rubel and Raya Dunayevskaya.

Schwartzbard trial

Torres was a renowned French left-wing jurist who had previously defended anarchists such as Buenaventura Durruti and Ernesto Bonomini and also represented the Soviet consulate in France.

Scott-King's Modern Europe

On arrival at a Mediterranean seaport, he finds himself surrounded by anarchists, monarchists, Trotskyites, prostitutes, ballet dancers, former Gestapo officers and Vichy collaborators.

Socialist Labor Party Hall

During one political gathering in 1903, illustrating the sometimes volatile nature of political groups at this time, an argument broke out between socialists and anarchists, ending in the essentially random but fatal shooting of Elia Corti, a prominent Italian stone carver responsible for the panels on the Robert Burns Memorial statue in Barre.

The Thirty

Trial of the thirty, trial of anarchists in the Third French Republic

Tinko Simov

He came into contact with Vasil Popov, with whom he created an anti-government guerilla group of anarchists and communists.

Wild Earth

Those who wished to continue activism under the Earth First! name, including anarchists and a west coast faction led by Judi Bari and Mike Roselle, launched a new Earth First! Journal.

William Melville

Had successfully defended anarchists; also unsuccessfully acted in appeal against the obscenity decision re: Radclyffe Hall's The Well of Loneliness.

see also