
4 unusual facts about anthropoid


Arthropod, the animal phylum including insects, arachnids, and crustaceans

Simian, monkeys and apes (anthropoids, or suborder Anthropoidea, in earlier classifications)

Operation Anthropoid, the codename for the assassination of SS-Obergruppenführer and Reichsprotektor of Bohemia and Moravia Reinhard Heydrich

Sexual dimorphism in non-human primates

Anthropoid primate male canines have been measured to be almost four times taller than those in females.


Atentát, 1964 Czech film directed by Jiří Sequens depicting events before and after the assassination of top German leader Reinhard Heydrich in Prague in Operation Anthropoid

Maboko Island

These excavations resulted in a large number of craniodental (crania and teeth) remains of a medium seized cercopithecoid monkey and cranial and postcranial remains of a large anthropoid ape — later to become the holotypes Victoriapithecus macinnesi and Sivapithecus africanus.

Michael Grumley

In the book Grumley concluded that anthropoid giants once roamed the earth, and that today there are still isolated survivors which he claimed are living in underground tunnels and caves.

Robert Hartmann

He penned a number of articles on Africa, as well as a book on anthropoid apes, a treatise in which he discusses the possibility that humans and apes may have a common ancestor.

Robert Yerkes

He founded the Yale University Laboratories of Primate Biology in New Haven, followed by his Anthropoid Breeding and Experiment Station in Orange Park, Florida with funds from the Rockefeller Foundation.

see also