Anneliese Groscurth (1910–1996) was the wife of Georg Groscurth and a member of the European Union, (Europäische Union) an antifascist German resistance group in Berlin, during the Nazi era.
In 1943 a world-famous actor of the Moscow Yiddish State Art Theater, Solomon Mikhoels, together with well-known poet Itzik Feffer, toured the United States on behalf of the Jewish Antifascist Committee.
The antifascist catholic priest Piero Folli was parish priest in Voldomino, a part of Luino, from 1923 to 1948 and was arrested there by the fascists on 3 December 1943 for having helped a group of Jews to expatriate to Switzerland.
Fishman remained active in a number of progressive organizations, including Veterans For Peace New York City Chapter 34, the Joint Antifascist Refugee Committee and United for Peace and Justice.
The shirts were produced by The Critical Voice, an anti-war group; the text was inspired by the German phrase Wir schweigen nicht ("We will not be silent"), the slogan of the White Rose, the "subversive" German antifascist anti-Nazi organization.