
unusual facts about apologetic


Albert Anker

One of Anker's greatest admirers and collectors is former Swiss Federal Councillor Christoph Blocher, since the 1980s Switzerland's most influential conservative politician, who also published an apologetic essay on Anker.

Antonio Comellas y Cluet

Before 1880 he published Demostración de la armonía entre la religión católica y la ciencia, a work of an apologetic nature, written to refute John William Draper's Conflict Between Science and Religion.


One of the earliest Buddhist apologetic texts is The Questions of King Milinda, which deals with ethical and intellectual problems.

Book of Victory

Sefer Nizzahon Yashan "The (old) Book of Victory", a 13th Century anonymous Jewish apologetic text

Churches That Abuse

Churches That Abuse, first published in 1991, is a best-selling counterculture apologetic book written by Ronald M. Enroth.

Edward John Carnell

Irving Hexham has noted in his survey of apologetic responses to New Age spirituality that Carnell's approach had some influence on the way in which Francis Schaeffer developed his apologetic writings.

Empty tomb

Scholars L. Michael White and Helmut Koester see the account of the guards in Matthew as an apologetic insertion, an attempt by the writer to explain the Jewish claims that the disciples stole the body which were circulating at the time.

Girl Anachronism

The lyrics, alternately angry, apologetic, and full of complaint, deal with Amanda Palmer, the band's lead singer, as a "problem child", a trait which she blames on the fact that she was born a few days premature, by Caesarean section.

Great Hacker War

In 1991 Phiber Optik, while attending the first CFP conference in San Francisco with Craig Neidorf, was invited to join a telephone conference bridge by fellow hackers where an apologetic Shulman expressed his remorse at how the situation had been blown out of proportion and his view that Goggans had crossed the line in informing on other hackers to law enforcement in an effort to increase the prestige of ComSec.

Johannes Mensing

From 1522 to 1524 he occupied the pulpit in the cathedral of Magdeburg, where he also composed his first apologetic works on the Sacrifice of the Mass.

Nicolaus von Weis

In conjunction with Andreas Rass, afterwards Bishop of Strasbourg, he revised, enlarged, and translated several apologetic, dogmatic, homiletic, and hagiographic works, the best known of which are an enlarged German edition of Butler's "Lives of the Saints" (24 vols., Mainz, 1821-27), translations from the French of Carron, Brillet, Picot, and others, and an extensive compilation of sermons by various authors.

Opinions on the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy

In Denmark, ENAR is represented by Bashy Quraishy, who is a former member of Socialistisk Folkeparti and is known for his apologetic attitude with regards to the 9/11 attacks and for referring to the focus on Islamic fundamentalism during the following investigations as "crusades".

Reichenberg Fellowship

The German Institute for Youth and Society (Deutsches Institut für Jugend und Gesellschaft) is led by Christl Ruth Vonholdt and is the apologetic branch of the Reichenberg Fellowship.

William Wilkie

In 1757 Wilkie published ‘The Epigoniad,’ in nine books, based on the fourth book of the ‘Iliad,’ and written in heroic couplets in the manner of Alexander Pope's ‘Homer.’ To a second edition in 1759 he appended an ingenious apologetic ‘Dream in the manner of Spenser.’ On the appearance of this edition Hume warmly praised ‘The Epigoniad’ in a letter to the Critical Review, complaining that the journal had unduly depreciated the poem when first published.

see also