Also, many home reef aquariums canopies containing metal halide lights.
A Purdue study in 2009 examined the effect of aquariums on the nutritional intake of patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.
Also, some animals like the Red-eared slider turtle are benefited of having those lights fitted on their aquariums.
When maintaining the aquariums for these species, instead of using substrate, breeders go for driftwood roots or branches, bark of Beech or oak and position them in a way that offers some kind of shades to the fish.
Live examples of Corynactis californica can be viewed in many Pacific aquariums including the Monterey Bay Aquarium and Diergaarde Blijdorp.
Jeffery Scott Swanagan (October 14, 1957 - June 28, 2009) was an American director of several major aquariums and zoos in the United States, including the Florida Aquarium, Zoo Atlanta, the Georgia Aquarium and the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.
Flag acaras are commonly kept in aquariums though they were more popular in the past; nowadays other dwarf cichlids like apistos and rams have become favorites