
unusual facts about arbitrary

Amateur Athletic Union

In the early 1970s, The AAU became the subject of criticism, notably by outspoken track star Steve Prefontaine, over the living conditions for amateur athletes under the AAU, as well as arbitrary rules.

Béla Károlyi

Károlyi required that all national team members attend frequent grueling camps at his New Waverly, Texas gymnastics ranch, north of Houston, and selection procedures for international meets became more arbitrary.


In December 1946, Special Forces Depot (DST), led by commando and counter-insurgency expert Captain Raymond 'Turk' Westerling, were accused of pacifying the southern Sulawesi region using arbitrary terror techniques, which were copied by other anti-Republicans.

Blahut–Arimoto algorithm

The Blahut–Arimoto algorithm, co-invented by Richard Blahut, is an elegant iterative technique for numerically obtaining rate–distortion functions of arbitrary finite input/output alphabet sources.

Carmody Hills-Pepper Mill Village, Maryland

The combination was arbitrary, and in the mind of most local people there are two separate communities: Carmody Hills and Pepper Mill Village.


a rich type algebra, with recursive types and arbitrary boolean combinations (union, intersection, complement) allows precise definitions of data structures and XML types; general purpose types and types constructors are taken seriously (products, extensible records, arbitrary precision integers with interval constraints, Unicode characters);

Clenshaw–Curtis quadrature

Unlike computation of arbitrary integrals, however, Fourier-series integrations for periodic functions (like f(\cos\theta), by construction), up to the Nyquist frequency k=N, are accurately computed by the N+1 equally spaced and equally weighted points \theta n = n \pi / N for n = 0,\ldots,N (except the endpoints are weighted by 1/2, to avoid double-counting, equivalent to the trapezoidal rule or the Euler–Maclaurin formula).

Counter machine

However, the reader needs to be cautioned that, even though the μ operator is easily created by the base instruction set doesn't mean that an arbitrary partial recursive function can be easily created with a base model -- Turing equivalence and partial recursive functions imply an unbounded μ operator, one that can scurry to the ends of the register chain ad infinitum searching for its goal.

Deep history

The concept of prehistory is thus recast as an arbitrary boundary that limits the longue durée perspective of historians, and which rests upon outmoded assumptions that history follows a teleological path beginning with the origins of civilization in Ancient Mesopotamia.

Directed acyclic graph

In contrast, for arbitrary graphs the shortest path may require slower algorithms such as Dijkstra's algorithm or the Bellman–Ford algorithm, and longest paths in arbitrary graphs are NP-hard to find.

Dresden Frauenkirche

Architectural historian, Mark Jarzombek complained that unidentifiable parts of the ruins were placed in arbitrary locations in the new building.

Eng Foong Ho v. Attorney-General

Thio Li-ann has noted that it is not clear whether the Court of Appeal was laying down "intentional and arbitrary discrimination" as the sole test for whether executive acts comply with Article 12(1) of the Constitution, or whether it is only one possible test and that executive acts can also be challenged if they fail a reasonable classification test.

Extrajudicial detention

Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that, "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile."

Field arithmetic

(This result is due to Adrien Douady for 0 characteristic and has its origins in Riemann's existence theorem. For a field of arbitrary characteristic it is due to David Harbater and Florian Pop, and was also proved later by Dan Haran and Moshe Jarden.)

Generalized inversive congruential pseudorandom numbers

A generalization for arbitrary composite moduli m=p 1,\dots p r with arbitrary distinct primes p 1,\dots ,p r \ge 5 will be present here.

Hamming bound

In mathematics and computer science, in the field of coding theory, the Hamming bound is a limit on the parameters of an arbitrary block code: it is also known as the sphere-packing bound or the volume bound from an interpretation in terms of packing balls in the Hamming metric into the space of all possible words.

Heterogeneity in economics

Krusell and Smith (JPE 1998) permit an arbitrary distribution of wealth but assume all prices and equilibrium variables are approximately functions of the mean or of a few other statistics of that distribution.


By the same principle, linguists (such as Ferdinand de Saussure) state that words are not only arbitrary, but also largely idiosyncratic signs.

Indian meridian

This line was chosen arbitrarily as part of the land survey of 1870 conducted by E. N. Darling and Thomas H. Barrett, at an arbitrary point about one mile south of Fort Arbuckle (about six miles west of present Davis, Oklahoma).

Jimmy Fontana

Born Enrico Sbriccoli in Camerino, Italy, he took the name "Jimmy" from musician Jimmy Giuffre and "Fontana" from an arbitrary name out of the phone book, early in his career.

Law enforcement

Collectively labeled as the War on Terror, the scope of such laws, policies and directives are challenged by civil rights organizations and numerous legislators for lack of definitional precision, arbitrary application of sanctions, and violation of privacy laws.

Less-than sign

In Bash, Perl, and Ruby, operator <<EOF (where "EOF" is an arbitrary string, but commonly "EOF" denoting "end of file") is used to denote the beginning of a here document.

LLT polynomial

Ian Grojnowski and Mark Haiman (preprint) proved a positivity conjecture for LLT polynomials that combined with the previous result implies the Macdonald positivity conjecture for Macdonald polynomials, and extended the definition of LLT polynomials to arbitrary finite root systems.

Martin Noth

Later, Robert Polzin showed that some of his main conclusions were consistent with arbitrary or inconsistent use of the rules that he proposed.

Mass matrix

Lagrangian mechanics yields an ordinary differential equation (actually, a system of coupled differential equations) that describes the evolution of a system in terms of an arbitrary vector of generalized coordinates that completely defines the position of every particle in the system.

Mitigating factor

In a series of decisions since 1972, the United States Supreme Court has attempted to make the sentence of death in the United States less arbitrary by emphasizing that the judge or jury must be given the opportunity to consider all mitigating evidence before determining the sentence.

Nominal size

American wire gauge is a series of sizes for copper wire, with an arbitrary but well-standardized relationship between the size number and the dimensions of the finished wire.

Optical resolution

Rayleigh defined the somewhat arbitrary "Rayleigh criterion" that two points whose angular separation is equal to the Airy disk radius to first null can be considered to be resolved.

Paul-Louis Rossi

He wrote music reviews: in Jazz Magazine and in the Cahiers du jazz, and film criticism: "The Arbitrary", dedicated to Robert Bresson, published in Camera Pen.

Personal knowledge base

Unlike the other tools, in Compendium the composite hierarchy does not form a DAG, but rather an arbitrary graph: view A can appear on view B, and B can in turn appear on A. The user's intuitive notion of "inside" must be adapted somewhat in this case.

Pirate game

Ian Stewart wrote about Steve Omohundro's extension to an arbitrary number of pirates in the May 1999 edition of Scientific American and described the rather intricate pattern that emerges in the solution.

Rate–distortion theory

The Blahut–Arimoto algorithm, co-invented by Richard Blahut, is an elegant iterative technique for numerically obtaining rate–distortion functions of arbitrary finite input/output alphabet sources and much work has been done to extend it to more general problem instances.

Riemann mapping theorem

Henri Poincaré proved that the map f is essentially unique: if z0 is an element of U and φ is an arbitrary angle, then there exists precisely one f as above such that f(z0) = 0 and that the argument of the derivative of f at the point z0 is equal to φ.

Rogue Moon

Graham Sleight, another science fiction scholar, writes that Rogue Moon takes the themes of Who? — "identity, ethics, memory, scientific obsession — and intensifies its gaze on them. But it also has a new concern, death. Like its predecessor, it uses an almost arbitrary science-fictional device to examine an existential question, in a way that a mimetic novel never could."

Sardar Sikandar Hayat Khan

It was Sardar Fateh Muhammad Khan Karelvi, who led the popular agitation against an arbitrary tax on salt imposed by the Maharaja's regime.


The phrase was chosen for being arbitrary and having not appeared in the Google index up to that point.

Seki Takakazu

Chinese algebra discovered numerical evaluation (Horner's method, re-established by William George Horner in the 19th century) of arbitrary degree algebraic equation with real coefficients.

Semantic similarity

The Semantic Web provides semantic extensions to find similar data by content and not just by arbitrary descriptors.


SheerVideo supports all standard resolutions and frame rates, including the NTSC and PAL or SECAM SD formats and all HD formats, as well as arbitrary resolutions and frame rates.

Sixto López

Reminding his colleagues that arbitrary deportation of this sort had been a key grievance of the American colonists against the British King, George II, Senator Hoar took up Miss López's cause on the U.S. Senate floor.

Stanford v. Texas

The court quoted Revolutionary War-era figure James Otis; regarding writs of assistance, Otis remarks, "they are the worst instrument of arbitrary power ... that ever was found in an English law book... placing the liberty of every man in the hands of every petty officer."

Tailored fiber placement

:• Fibers can be orientated in arbitrary direction in order to manufacture highly stress adapted composite parts

Toll-free telephone numbers in the United States

Canadian numbers are an exception as they are drawn from the same SMS/800 pool as other North American Numbering Plan countries, although the arbitrary distinctions between Local Exchange Carrier/Interexchange carrier, intrastate/interstate and the LATA structure are artificial US regulatory constructs which do not have direct parallels in Canada or any other nation.

Underwater basket weaving

Linkedin adopted "skill endorsement" in 2012, and in response to the arbitrary nature of those skill attributions, some LinkedIn participants began to list "Advanced Underwater Basket Weaving" as a skill, thereby exercising some control over their online profile.

Vassian Patrikeyev

Metropolitan Daniel accused Patrikeyev of unauthorized revision of the Kormchaya kniga; insertion of Hellenistic ideas; arbitrary removal of passages which had asserted the right of the monasteries to own patrimonies; revilement of miracle workers, e.g. Saint Makarius Kalyazinsky and Metropolitan Jonas; "heretic lines" in his translation of Simeon Metaphrastes' Life of St. Mary.


Vatti clipping algorithm, a computer graphics algorithm used in clipping arbitrary polygons


Voluntaryism – a libertarian socio-political system based on the absence of coercion by any arbitrary state or collective.

Willowgrove, Saskatoon

It is bounded by McOrmond Drive to the west, Highway 5 to the south, an arbitrary boundary to the north and Holmwood SDA, Saskatoon (annexed from R.M. of Corman Park) to the east.

see also