Asbestos, a flaky white mineral, had been widely used in school construction between 1945 and 1973 on ceilings and as an insulator for pipes and boilers.
Generally from info about related catastrophes, or even increased illness because of using Asbestos, or fact that plastic which was made nearly every artificial single Christmas tree, sold even in main shops in state city Warsaw.
Born in the asbetos mining town of Asbestos, Quebec, he had three brothers: Elewyn, Lloyd, and Arthur.
Singh convenes the cross-party Parliamentary Group on Asbestos Related Disease (PGARD) and the Parliamentary Friends of UNICEF.
Pauline Michel (born 1944 in Asbestos, Quebec) is a Canadian novelist, poet, playwright, songwriter and screenwriter.
It was first described in 1981 for an occurrence in the Jeffrey quarry of the Johns-Manville mine, Asbestos, Estrie, Québec.
asbestos | Asbestos | Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization | Asbestos Strike | Asbestos, Quebec | Asbestos abatement |
In 2006, ABB returned to financial health by settling its asbestos liability regarding claims that were filed against ABB's U.S. subsidiaries, Combustion Engineering and Lummus Global.
Atlas Asbestos Mine Superfund Site is located within the Clear Creek Management Area near Fresno County eighteen miles northwest of Coalinga, California.
Company disregard for asbestos miners' health and lack of compensation was commented on in the song Blue Sky Mine on the album Blue Sky Mining by Midnight Oil.
The BoRit Asbestos Area Community Advisory Group (CAG) was established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and community members to represent the interests of the communities surrounding the 32 acre BoRit Asbestos Area near the intersection of Whitpain Township, Upper Dublin Township, and Ambler Borough, Pennsylvania, in providing advice and input regarding the BoRit Asbestos Area.
The company was founded in 1893 as the Cape Asbestos Company with the objective of mining asbestos in the Orange Free State and importing it into European countries where it could be woven into fire-resistant materials.
This simple yet effective technology was successfully adapted to artillery in 1877 by Colonel de Bange, who invented grease-impregnated asbestos pads to seal the breech of his new cannons (the De Bange system).
The majority of the denominational boards and agencies housed at the property were strongly in favor of renovation and that the Memphis firm Chandler Demolition Company, Inc., later hired by Chick-fil-A to demolish the building, did not consider the asbestos to be a health risk.
Amosite is a rare asbestiform variety of grunerite that was mined as asbestos only in the eastern part of the Transvaal Province of South Africa.
This company was identified as one of the Canadian distributors of zonolite products contaminated with asbestos which originated from Libby, Montana.
A native of Violet, Louisiana, according to the Funky 16 Corners web site, Holmes died in November 1998 after working variously as a bus driver, nursing assistant, asbestos worker and mechanic.
In August 2001, Moreno was one of five lawyers to win a $55,515,000 judgment for an El Paso man against Kelly-Moore Paints for placing asbestos-containing fibers in a joint compound product that caused pleural mesothelioma in a patient.
Six minerals have been classified as "asbestos" including chrysotile of the serpentine class and those belonging to the amphibole class: amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, anthophyllite and actinolite.
The present Romanesque church — dedicated to Saint Louis of Toulouse, whose cult had been much promoted in mediæval Europe by King Charles I of Hungary (1307–1342) — was built in 1816; it was sheathed in asbestos in 1906.
As with Leith, Stromness, and Prince Olav Harbour, the whaling station has been declared by the South Georgia Government as being too dangerous to visit, due to the danger from collapsing buildings and asbestos.
Irving J. Selikoff (1915 in New York City – May 20, 1992 in Ridgewood, New Jersey) was a medical researcher who in the 1960s established a link between the inhalation of asbestos particles and lung-related ailments.
His father's death from mesothelioma moved Jordan to work for the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization as an advocate for a those harmed by exposure to asbestos.
In 2003, Leiths (Scotland) acquired the demolition and asbestos-removal businesses of John Lawrie Group.
The Act also suffered from drafting problems - in Central Asbestos Lord Reid described it as having "a strong claim to the distinction of being the worst drafted Act on the statute book".
The film examines life in the Maurice Duplessis-era Asbestos region of rural Québec prior to the Asbestos Strike of the late 1940s.
His books include Raising Healthy Children in a Toxic World: 101 Smart Solutions for Every Family and, with Herbert Needleman, Raising Children Toxic Free: How to Keep Your Child Safe From Lead, Asbestos, Pesticides and Other Environmental Hazards.
The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization, Lung Cancer Alliance and other asbestos awareness advocacy organizations have also benefitted from generous donations from the firm.
An impoverished third world shantytown of 40,000 on the Arabian Sea, Alang also has few environmental or safety restrictions to protect the villagers who dismantle the ships (which have been run aground on the beach) from workplace dangers and toxic substances such as PCBs and asbestos.
After years of investigation, the Prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello and his team acted on behalf of 2,619 former Eternit employees from the Italian factories in Casale Monferrato (Province of Alessandria), Cavagnolo (Province of Turin), Rubiera (Province of Reggio Emilia) and Bagnoli (Naples) and 270 family members or local residents who received para occupational or environmental exposure to Eternit asbestos.
According to his brother Thomas Schmidheiny, their father Max decided to divide his industrial empire into two halves : asbestos for Stephan, cement for Thomas.
In November 2010, some residents of Kettleman City, California complained to the EPA about Waste Management's plan to double the size of its Kettleman Hills Hazardous Waste Facility, a local dump that has been connected to hazardous waste such as asbestos, pesticides, and PCBs.