
unusual facts about ascendant


Ascendant Album

Ascendant is an album by Mark Northfield, released in March 2008 under his own record label, Substantive Recordings.

Conrad of Urslingen

In 1190, he was chased from Spoleto by the ascendant Guelph powers, but he regained his duchy in 1195.

Emanuel Bronner

As his father was Jewish, he pleaded with his parents to emigrate with him for fear of the then-ascendant Nazi Party, but they refused.

Gaius Lucilius

Had he been a semi-Graecus, like Ennius and Pacuvius, or of humble origin, like Plautus, Terence or Accius, he would scarcely have ventured, at a time when the senatorial power was strongly in the ascendant, to revive the role which had proved disastrous to Naevius; nor would he have had the intimate knowledge of the political and social life of his day which fitted him to be its painter.

Holy Holy

On this track, according to NME editors Roy Carr and Charles Shaar Murray, "Bolan's influence is so much in the ascendant that it virtually amounts to a case of demonic possession".

Revolutions of 1917–23

The ascendant communist party soon withdrew from war with Imperial Germany on the Eastern Front and then battled its political rivals in the Russian Civil War, including invading forces from the Allied Powers.

Vasilis Kanatas

In this he introduces a new, speculative astrological theory which includes Ophiuchus to employ 13 zodiac constellations and proposes the replacement of the ascendant with the place of the Moon on the ecliptic.

see also