He volunteered for the Navy in 1804 and participated in the recapture of Fort Le Diamant on Martinique, then fought at Trafalgar as an aspirant on board Bucentaure, the admiral's flagship.
He served at an artillery and dragoon regiment in Lyon for ten months in 1906, then as an aspirant in the General Staff from 1906 to 1917 and military attaché in Stockholm and Petrograd from 1912 to 1917.He was promoted to captain in 1915 and major in 1929.
For a political operative, campaign manager, fundraiser and political aspirant, Geldart has made relatively few financial contributions to candidates for office including: Terry Gilleland, Janet Greenip, Dirk Haire, and Tony McConkey, and the State and County Republican Party.
Becoming marquis de Montausier at the death of his elder brother in 1635, he was the recognised aspirant for the hand of the Catherine de Vivonne, marquise de Rambouillet|
Count Dmitri Cheremeteff; Prince Serge Belosselsky-Belozersky; Count Hilarion Worontzoff-Dachkoff ; Paul Demidoff; Prince Wladimir Galitzine (Aspirant); Count Wladimir Borch (HC of the RC Grand Priory); Dmitri Boutourline; Prince Serge Dolgorouki; Denis Davydoff; Léon Narichkine; Count Alexandre Mordvinoff, (Aspirant); Prince Nikita Troubetzkoi; Count André Lanskoi (Aspirant); Dmitri Jerebzoff Nicolas Tchirikoff; Count Dmitri Olzoufieff.
The agreement, which was in place until the end of the 2009–10 season, allowed Le Havre to sign Pogba to an aspirant (youth) contract once the player met specific age and scholarship requirements.