
unusual facts about assassination of Abraham Lincoln

James A. Ekin

Despite his excellent service in the Army quartermaster department, Ekin is remembered largely for his participation as a member of the military tribunal that heard the case against eight conspirators in the assassination of President Lincoln.

Laura Keene

It was her company that was playing at Ford's Theatre, Washington, on the night of Abraham Lincoln's assassination.

Luke Halpin

A notable later appearance was in the role of "Herrold" in the 1980 television movie The Ordeal of Dr. Mudd, a dramatization of Samuel Mudd, the Maryland physician who was imprisoned as an accomplice to John Wilkes Booth in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

see also


Albert Freeman Africanus King, one of the attending doctors during the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Albert Freeman Africanus King

Kunhardt, Dorothy Meserve, and Kunhardt Jr., Phillip B. Twenty Days: A Narrative in Text and Pictures of the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the Twenty Days and Nights That Followed.

Charles Taft

Charles Sabin Taft, physician pressed into service during the assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Samuel Seymour

Samuel J. Seymour (1860–1956), last surviving person who had been present in Ford's Theater the night of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln