
2 unusual facts about astronomical interferometer

Astronomical interferometer

D. Monnier, Optical interferometry in astronomy, Reports on Progress in Physics, 66, 789-857, 2003 IoP.

Potts Hill, New South Wales

Equipment included a 4 element yagi and single yagi antennas, a 16-ft x 18-ft paraboloid, a Mills Cross Telescope prototype, a 68-inch paraboloid, swept lobe interferometer yagi aerials, a prototype of a Fleurs Cross aerial and 16 and 32 element solar grating arrays.

Martin Ryle

In 1946 Ryle and Vonberg were the first people to publish interferometric astronomical measurements at radio wavelengths, although it is claimed that Joseph Pawsey from the University of Sydney had actually made interferometric measurements earlier in the same year.

see also