
6 unusual facts about Astronomical object

Bodmin manumissions

Some 961 Cornish words are recorded, ranging from celestial bodies, through church and craft occupations, to plants and animals.

Gaussian noise

In telecommunications and computer networking, communication channels can be affected by wideband Gaussian noise coming from many natural sources, such as the thermal vibrations of atoms in conductors (referred to as thermal noise or Johnson-Nyquist noise), shot noise, black body radiation from the earth and other warm objects, and from celestial sources such as the Sun.

Long-slit spectroscopy

In astronomy, Long-slit spectroscopy involves observing an elongated celestial object (such as a nebula or along the major axis of a disc galaxy at high inclination) through an elongated slit aperture, and refracting this light with a prism or diffraction grating.

Mango Hill, Queensland

Although the streets are named after different species or breeds of birds and celestial objects.

Oblate spheroid

The oblate spheroid is the approximate shape of many planets and celestial bodies, including Saturn and Altair;

Strawberry Panic!

A hint of astronomical star imagery is seen throughout the series, as well as minor Catholic religious undertones including a St. Mary statue on campus and a large Catholic church in the center of Astraea Hill.

Collisional excitation

In astronomy, collisional excitation gives rise to spectral lines in the spectra of astronomical objects such as planetary nebulae and H II regions.

see also


Nibiru cataclysm, a supposed impending disastrous encounter between Earth and a large astronomical object

Provisional name

Provisional designation in astronomy for an astronomical object that has not received a formal name