
unusual facts about battle of Badr

Badr, Saudi Arabia

Akhnas ibn Shariq al-Thaqifi and the Banu Zuhrah where with the Meccan as part of the escort that preceded the Battle of Badr, but since he believed the caravan to be safe, he did not join Quraish on their way to a festival in Badr.

Abū Lahab

The first people to reach Mecca with the news of the Quraysh defeat in the Battle of Badr were al-Haysuman and 'Abdullāh ibn al-Khuzā'ī, who bewailed the fact that so many of their chieftains had fallen on the battlefield.

Banu Thaqif

Akhnas ibn Shariq al-Thaqifi and the Banu Zuhrah where with the Meccan as part of the escort that preceded the battle of Badr but since he believed the caravan to be safe, he did not join Quraish on their way to a festival in Badr.

Religious war

This happened many times throughout history, beginning with Muhammad's battles against the polytheist Arabs including the Battle of Badr (624), and battles in Uhud (625), Khandaq (627), Mecca (630) and Hunayn (630).

Shaybah ibn Rabi'ah

He was also a champion of the Meccan army sent along with his brother Utbah and his nephew Walid ibn Utbah in the Battle of Badr in around 624 AD (2 A.H.).

Treaty of Hudaybiyyah

Armed hostilities ensued, at events such as the Battle of Badr and the Battle of the Trench.

see also