
unusual facts about beetles

American carrion beetle

In a 2006 episode of CSI: NY entitled "Necrophilia Americana", Necrophila americana is incorrectly stated to be the beetles found on a body.

Asclepias meadii

Insect pests that eat the plant include the milkweed beetles Tetraopes femoratus and Tetraopes tetraophthalamus and the milkweed weevils Rhyssematus annectans and Rhyssematus lineaticollis.

Black-backed Woodpecker

The most important wood boring beetles taken are in the families Cerambycidae and Buprestidae, along with engraver beetles and Mountain pine beetle.

Bristlecone pine

The Rocky Mountain population is severely threatened by an introduced fungal disease known as white pine blister rust, and by pine beetles.


Buprestidae is a family of beetles, known as jewel beetles or metallic wood-boring beetles because of their glossy iridescent colors.

Central Oregon Coast Range

Arthropods include various spiders, millipedes, collembolans, beetles, and a variety of centipedes.

Cicindela campestris

Like other tiger beetles, they run fast on their long legs and are most often seen on bare ground, in Britain typically on heather moorland.

Cryptocephalus virens

These beetles can be found in Southern and Central Europe from Italian Alps and Bavaria to Southern Poland, Russia, Turkey, East Palearctic ecozone and the Near East.

Cteniopus sulphureus

These thermophilic beetles can mainly be encountered in sunny places on inflorescences of Apiaceae and Asteraceae species, especially Achillea species.

Epipompilus insularis

insularis females hunt, usually in sunshine for retreat-making spiders in the concealed places where female spiders retreat to, such as rolled dead leaves; hollow plant stems; flax bushes; dead rolled fronds of tree-ferns; the abandoned cocoons of the bag-moth Liothula omnivora; deserted galleries of wood-boring beetles; and even the empty hatched galls of the moth Morova subfasciata in Muehlenbeckia australis and beneath loose bark on tree trunks.

Fermín Martín Piera

Fermín Martín-Piera (1954–2001) was a specialist in the taxonomy, systematics, and phylogeny of Scarabaeoidea with special reference to dung beetles.

Gastrophysa viridula

They are found in heathlands, forests, meadows, and gardens with the presence of plant dock (Rumex), the beetles' food plant.

George Charles Champion

Much of his work was with exotic Coleoptera, but he also wrote faunistic papers, mainly on beetles from Woking, Surrey, where he lived.

George Crabbe

Crabbe was known as a coleopterist and recorder of beetles, and is credited for discovering the first specimen of Calosoma sycophanta L. to be recorded from Suffolk.


The Goliath beetles (named after the biblical giant Goliath) are among the largest insects on Earth, if measured in terms of size, bulk and weight.

H. E. Hinton

He was an early proponent of continental drift, based on the close relationship between non-migratory water beetles of the family Elmidae in rivers in New Guinea and northern Australia.

Harmonia axyridis

axyridis, like other lady beetles or ladybirds, uses isopropyl methoxy pyrazine as a defensive chemical to deter predation, but also contains this chemical in its hemolymph at much higher concentrations than many other such species, along with species/genus-specific defensive compounds such as harmonine.

Some people have allergic reactions, including allergic rhinoconjunctivitis when exposed to these beetles.

Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata

On 1 February 2010 it was reported that an entomologist had identified the presence of Hadda beetles in the Auckland area of New Zealand.

Hungerford's crawling water beetle

The only known population of Hungerford's crawling water beetles outside of the United States inhabit the North Saugeen River near Scone in Bruce County, Ontario.

Jean-Baptiste Robineau-Desvoidy

André Jean Baptiste Robineau-Desvoidy (1 January 1799, Saint-Sauveur - 25 June 1857, Paris) was a French physician and entomologist specialising in the study of Diptera (flies) and to some extent of the Coleoptera (beetles).

Lucas Friedrich Julius Dominikus von Heyden

Lucas Friedrich Julius Dominikus von Heyden (22 May 1838, Frankfurt - 13 September 1915, Frankfurt) was a German entomologist specialising in Coleoptera beetles.

Megerle von Mühlfeld

Johann Carl Megerle von Mühlfeld (1765-1840), curator of insects, especially beetles, in Vienna.

Meloe brevicollis

In 2010, 40 beetles were found on four sites on the Hebridean island of Coll.


Some species are plant pathogens, such as Ceratocystis fimbriata, transmitted by beetles to living trees and causing cacao wilt and many other economically important diseases.


While sawyer beetles are economically insignificant by themselves, some species are known to transport phoretic Bursaphelenchus nematodes, including B. xylophilus which causes pine wilt disease.


Males beetles, which carry the fungus which causes Dutch elm disease, are attracted to the pheromone.

Mupli beetle

Luprops beetles have a notorious reputation since they can make life difficult when large populations invade farm houses, as reported in some parts of southern India, especially the state of Kerala.

Ophiostoma himal-ulmi

It was first isolated around breeding galleries of scolytid beetles in the bark of Ulmus wallichiana.

Pichia stipitis

Found, among other places, in the guts of passalid beetles, S. stipitis is capable of both aerobic and oxygen limited fermentation, and has the highest known natural ability of any yeast to directly ferment xylose, converting it to ethanol, a potentially economically valuable trait.


Pimelea (often seen spelled Pimelia, which in fact is the name of a genus of beetles.) is a genus of plants belonging to the family Thymelaeaceae.

Protea cynaroides

Along with birds, a host of insects are attracted to the flowerhead, such as bees, for example the Cape honeybee, and various beetle species such as rove beetles and the beetles of the huge family Scarabaeidae such as the protea beetle Trichostetha fascicularis and monkey beetles.

Punch buggy

Some variations consider Volkswagen's 1998 reintroduction of the New Beetle invalid for game purposes but, as older models become more rare, variants may choose to include the new Beetles.

Scarabaeus satyrus

In a study by Marie Dacke published in the journal Current Biology, it is reported that researchers have found that beetles of this species use the bright glow from the Milky Way to navigate during night-time operations.

Serapias vomeracea

These orchids are mainly pollinated by some beetles (Oedemeridae and Lymexylidae family) and by Hymenoptera (genus Ceratina, Eucera and Osmia).

Shining Bronze Cuckoo

Insectivorous, the Shining Bronze Cuckoo eats insects that are avoided by other birds, such as caterpillars, particularly those of the magpie moth, and beetles, particularly ladybirds.

Slovenian Museum of Natural History

The insect collection of Ferdinand J. Schmidt includes several interesting specimens, notably the "narrow-necked" blind cave beetles (Leptodirus hochenwartii) that were described in 1831 as the first cave insect.

Small hive beetle

Coumaphos bee strips (Bayer Corporation) have been approved for use in hives for the control of small hive beetles in some states under an emergency registration.

Soldier beetle

Historically, these beetles were placed in a superfamily "Cantharoidea", which has been subsumed by the superfamily Elateroidea; the name is still sometimes used as a rankless grouping, including the families Cantharidae, Drilidae, Lampyridae, Lycidae, Omalisidae, Omethidae, Phengodidae (which includes Telegeusidae), and Rhagophthalmidae.

Sten Bergman

The book also includes his observations of interesting plants and animals, including the tree kangaroos, forest turkeys, flame-coloured lianas, Bauhinia and flying beetles.

Ulmus 'Nana'

The low height of the tree should ensure that it avoids colonization by the Scolytus bark beetles and thus remain free of Dutch elm disease.

Ulmus 'Webbiana'

Two specimens are known to survive, one in the USA and the other in the UK, the latter treated as a hedging plant to avoid the attentions of the Scolytus beetles that act as vectors of Dutch elm disease.

Ulmus minor subsp. sarniensis 'Microphylla Pendula'

Only one specimen is known to survive, at the RBG Wakehurst Place, where it is cultivated as a hedging plant to keep it free from the attentions of the Scolytus beetles which act as vectors of Dutch elm disease.

War against the potato beetle

In a 1951 book published by the Polish Ministry of Defense, Zofia Kowalska wrote that American planes dropped beetles, "violating sovereign airspace", on the night of 24 May in East Germany, in the Zwickauer Land of Saxony.

Willem Roelofs

His extensive collection of Curculionidae became the basis of the entomological collection of beetles in the Natuurhistorisch Museum in Brussels.

see also