
unusual facts about big game hunter

Lionel Sadleir-Jackson

He pursued his interests during his retirement, being a keen huntsman and big game hunter as well as an excellent polo player (in 1910 he co-wrote Hints on Polo Combination, with Walter Buckmaster).

see also

1833 in South Africa

David Hume, explorer and big-game hunter, becomes the first European to enter the country of the Bamangwato (Botswana)


Baron Bror von Blixen-Finecke, Swedish born African big game hunter, commonly known as Bror Blixen.

Danny Roxo

Born in Portugal, he moved to Portuguese East Africa as a civil servant, before working as a big game hunter in the Niassa Province.

First Matabele War

Cecil Rhodes used this document in 1890 to justify sending the Pioneer Column, a group of settlers protected by well-armed British South Africa Company's Police (BSAP) and guided by the big game hunter Frederick Selous, through Matabeleland and into Shona territory to establish Fort Salisbury (now Harare).

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish

At the suggestion of big-game hunter Frank C. Hibben, between 1969 and 1977 the Department of Game and Fish introduced 93 captive bred Oryx into the White Sands Missile Range, intending them to be hunted for sport.

Paul Pogge

In 1865/66, he took his first journey to South Africa (Cape Colony, Natal) as a big game hunter.

Selous Game Reserve

It was named after Englishman Sir Frederick Selous, a famous big game hunter and early conservationist, who died at Beho Beho in this territory in 1917 while fighting against the Germans during World War I.

Selous' mongoose

It is presumably named after British explorer and big-game hunter Frederick Selous.