
3 unusual facts about Oryx


In Afrikaans, the name "gemsbok" came to refer to a species of Subsaharan antelope of the genus Oryx, and this meaning of "gemsbok" has been adopted into English.

Former UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Poaching and habitat degradation had nearly wiped out the Oryx population.


One of the largest populations of Arabian oryx exists on Sir Bani Yas Island in the United Arab Emirates.


Oryx | Oryx Cup | Atlas Oryx |

Fringe-eared oryx

During the wet season, these are supplemented with herbs such as dayflowers and Indigofera, while in the dry season, the oryx instead eat the tubers and stems of Pyrenacantha malvifolia and other succulent plants that help to provide the animals with water.

Greenwood Publishing Group

Under Smith, GPG made a number of additional acquisitions including the Ablex and Oryx imprints and Libraries Unlimited, and expanded GPG's on line and CD-ROM products under its Greenwood Electronic Media imprint.

Ikan Tanda

The crew of the Ikan Tanda were rescued by Oryx helicopters of the South African Air Force (SAAF), and a salvage tug, the John Ross, was dispatched to aid in the recovery of the ship.

Jiddat al-Harasis

Common trees are Acacia tortilis and Acacia ehrenbergiana associated with ghaf (Prosopis cineraria); the trees are important shade plants for the Arabian oryx.

Joseph-Antoine Bell

He started his career in Eclair Douale then Oryx Douala and Prisons Buea beforeUnion Douala in Cameroon, where he spent the years 1975 to 1981.

New Mexico Department of Game and Fish

At the suggestion of big-game hunter Frank C. Hibben, between 1969 and 1977 the Department of Game and Fish introduced 93 captive bred Oryx into the White Sands Missile Range, intending them to be hunted for sport.


The larger species have been greatly reduced in number by over-hunting and competition with livestock, and several species are vulnerable (Dorcas gazelle and red-fronted gazelle), endangered (Dama gazelle, African wild dog, cheetah, lion), or extinct (the Scimitar-horned oryx is probably extinct in the wild, and both Pelorovis and the Bubal Hartebeest are now extinct.

see also