
unusual facts about bipartite


Bipartite graph, a graph in which the vertices are partitioned into two sets and every edge has an endpoint in each set

Bipartite network projection

Bipartite network projection is an extensively used method for compressing information about bipartite networks.

Complexity of constraint satisfaction

More precisely, the problem is polynomial-time if the graph is 2-colorable, that is, it is bipartite, and is NP-complete otherwise.

Concert à quatre

The first movement (Entrée) is bipartite and juxtaposes several musical ideas: a theme inspired by Susanna's aria Venite inginocchiatevi in Act 2 of Mozart's Le nozze di Figaro, birdsong transcriptions (Garden Warbler as well as birds of New Zealand like the Blue-Wattled Crow, the Bush Canary and the Kakapo), a call and response of short melodic cells, a section for wind machine, strings and cymbal and two conclusive chords.

Constraint Composite Graph

Many subclasses of weighted constraint satisfaction problems that are tractable by virtue of the numerical structure of their weighted constraints have associated constraint composite graphs that are bipartite in nature.

Hidden transformation

The graph representing the result of this transformation is bipartite, as all constraints are between a new and an old variable.

see also