
unusual facts about birders


Allen Morgan

Morgan was also a member of a team of three birders who sighted North America's first Cattle Egret in April 1952.

Carr Peak

The area is well know among birders because of the variety of hummingbird species (as many as 15) seen in the area as well as the dozens of southwestern specialties such as Apache pine, Chihuahua pine, ridge-nosed rattlesnake, lesser long-nosed bat and elegant trogon.

Scott Weidensaul

For his Pulitzer-nominated book Living on the Wind: Across the Hemisphere With Migratory Birds, the author took to longtime systematic observation, which included the ornithological technique of banding, and observing the birds, besides the author talked to various experts—as well as amateur birders and ornithologists who have made many of the important discoveries about bird biology.


The Big Year - (Filmed in May 2010) A comedy about three birders competing to see the most birds in a single year.

Vicente Pérez Rosales National Park

Another rhinocryptid bird: Black-throated Huet-huet, Pteroptochos tarnii, is a speciality for birders in this park.

Ynys Feurig

The site first came to national attention among birders in July 2005 when a Sooty Tern paid a very brief visit, before relocating to The Skerries and Cemlyn.

see also