Kites and 'helicopters' come down when there is insufficient wind; kytoons and blimps resolve the matter.
In the late thirties, the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company chose Albert Whitted as one of the first airports to base its famous airships (i.e., blimps).
Early morning on April 1, 2011, San Diego based political activist Mark Dice tied a large silver helium "surveillance blimp" to the statue which had "Big Brother is Watching You" painted on the side, and an oversized (cardboard) security camera hanging from the bottom.
Divine Ark Military blimp is jointly developed by Divine Ark and People's Liberation Army General Logistics Department (PLAGLD).
In 1976, Goodyear allowed use of its blimps for the filming of Black Sunday, based on the novel by Thomas Harris, about a distressed former prisoner of war blimp pilot who helps Middle Eastern terrorists attack the Super Bowl with a lethal device attached to the airship's car.
The GZ-20 was introduced as part of a US$4 million expansion program by Goodyear in 1968 that included the construction of a new GZ-19 Florida based airship (Mayflower N1A), replacement of the California based GZ-19 with a GZ-20 (Columbia N3A), adding a third airship to the fleet (GZ-20 America N10A) and constructing a new airship base at Spring, Texas as home to the new blimp.
It is a collection of three of Farmer's stories from the series Weird Heroes published in the 1970s with the title character, a lineal descendant of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings, working for the Acme Zeppelin Corporation as a blimp pilot and private detective.
From May 1924 the J-1 served at Lakehurst, and was at that time the Navy's only active blimp.
After tests of the different available airship types, the semi-rigid Groß airship and the Parseval blimp were abandoned while the rigid airships of Zeppelin and Schütte-Lanz design were selected for service.
In 1993, the blimp hangars were designated National Civil Engineering Landmarks by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
Other satellite facilities were established to support other war efforts, including Meachum Field for lighter-than-air blimp operations on Key West, and runways for land-based and carrier-based aircraft on Boca Chica Key.
Friedrich's company grew into a small publishing house in Hayward, California, also called Star*Reach, that published the comic book series Quack; Imagine; and Lee Marrs' Pudge, Girl Blimp, along with a number of one-shot comics.
Octopus has also encased it in a fake blimp facade (it flies by electromagnetic means) so as to enable him to steal fortunes under its cover, providing him with a potentially inexhaustible supply of money with which to fuel his world-conquering schemes.