
unusual facts about blogosphere


Political blogs are often tied to a large media or news corporation, such as "The Caucus" (affiliated with The New York Times), "CNN Political Ticker", and the National Reviews "The Corner."


blogosphere |


The 2003 Koufax Awards gave Billmon more recognition in the blogosphere and are named after Sandy Koufax, a famous baseball player and a left-handed pitcher.

Fairchild Fashion Media

In 2012, FFM made further changes by selling Fairchild Books to Bloomsbury Publishing and soon after, acquiring NowManifest, fashion blog aggregator featuring content from the fashion blogosphere.

Gay Nigger Association of America

They have trolled several prominent websites and Internet personalities including Slashdot, Wikipedia, CNN, Barack Obama's campaign website, Alex Jones, and prominent members of the blogosphere.

Lab website

Users are encouraged to read and comment, and all posts are automatically linked to Technorati to return contextual blogosphere results.

Mini-Mag Orion

In addition, due to its close relationship to the original Project Orion, the MMO concept continues to be discussed throughout the blogosphere.

Sibila Vargas

She made a name for herself in the blogosphere with a hostile 2006 interview with Neil Young, in which she questioned his patriotism for his having criticized George W. Bush.

see also