
unusual facts about blood accusation

Morris Jacob Raphall

In 1840, when the blood accusation was made at Damascus, he published a refutation of it in four languages (Hebrew, English, French, and German) and wrote a defense of Judaism against an anonymous writer in the London "Times." Raphall was also the author of a text-book of the post-Biblical history of the Jews (to the year 70 C.E.).

see also

Abraham Berliner

He further acted as the apologist of Judaism in a pamphlet against Lagarde (Prof. Paul de Lagarde, nach Seiner Natur Gezeichnet, 1887), who denounced all Jewish scholars as dilettanti; and when the blood accusation was revived, he republished (1888) the opinion of Cardinal Ganganelli—afterward Pope Clement XIV—to prove the falsity of this charge.