Service learning opportunities include the Mexico House Building Trip (open to qualified high school students: twenty staff and students journey to Puerto Peñasco, Mexico to build a home for a family living in poverty), Habitat for Humanity (where students help construct a house for a family in their community), the West Side Food Bank and the Annual Blood Drive for United Blood Services.
Blood donation at a special event where donors come to give blood
The company has been recognized by the American Red Cross for its blood drives and financial contributions to the organization.
They are involved in projects of desert reclamation, work camps, blood drives, medical care and other projects.
The Student Council arranges homecoming and courtwarming activities, blood drives, spirit weeks, and other activities for the school.
True Blood | Blood | In Cold Blood | Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince | blood | First Blood | Blood, Sweat & Tears | ABO blood group system | Blood Meridian | Tekken: Blood Vengeance | Hitman: Blood Money | Blood transfusion | Blood Red Shoes | Blood Oranges | Blood Brothers | Rambo: First Blood Part II | National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute | Canadian Blood Services | Blood Sugar Sex Magik | blood plasma | Blood donation | Blood Brothers (musical) | There Will Be Blood | The Family of Blood | Survivor: Blood vs. Water | Surfer Blood | Spartacus: Blood and Sand | James Blood Ulmer | Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (film) | Bordello of Blood |
Besides "Apartment," "Street" and "Suburbia" directed by Ulf Johansson & Mats Lindberg from Traktor and "Barbershop" directed by Craig Gillespie, this series also included a special unbranded ad — directed by Fallon art director Harvey Marco and aired on behalf of the American Red Cross after the September 11, 2001 attacks — in which the doll sports a rolled-up sleeve, bandage and "I Gave" sticker to promote blood donation.
MERCY has various programs including an annual Toy Drive which takes place some time around Christmas, the joint blood donation drive with the American Red Cross, and recently MERCY worldwide Abidjan had begun programs to feed hungry children in the city.
Many of the clubs engage in different aspects of philanthropy, such as sponsoring Red Cross blood drives, hosting Christmas parties for underprivileged children, and collecting money for donation to various local charitable organizations.
Corporate social responsibility initiatives have been organized in activities such as an on-site blood donation drive, free health screening, and youth training programmes.
Under regular activities various programs (Blood Donation camp, Poster making, Tree Plantation, medical check up etc.) and expert lectures are arranged for personality development of students.
The Red Defender character was created in 2006 by animator J. J. Sedelmaier (known for his work on Saturday Night Live’s TV Funhouse) for the Advertising Council's blood donation campaign.
The majority of the proceeds of this concert went to fire victims in Greece, particularly those of the 2007 Greek forest fires, however, another intention was to promote blood donation which was running short in Athens.