
unusual facts about blood glucose

Cerebral hypoxia

Hypothermia therapy for neonatal encephalopathy is the only evidence-supported therapy, but anti-oxidant drugs, control of blood glucose levels, and hemodilution (thinning of the blood) coupled with drug-induced hypertension are some treatment techniques currently under investigation.

MET call

Interventions and tests that the MET call may include: Oxygen (via a mask), Blood glucose levels, CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure), X-ray, ECG, Vital signs, documentation and Spirometry.

see also


Glycated hemoglobin (hemoglobin A1c or HbA1c), a surrogate marker for blood glucose levels

Bruce Bode

The Glucommander is intended to evaluate the current as well as cumulative patient blood glucose values, and, based on the aggregate of those measurements, whether one or many, regulate the infusion of I.V. fluids, through an I.V. infusion pump, and drive the blood glucose level towards a predetermined target range.


The Pak is a sling-style bag containing educational materials and resources targeted at adults, including the Adult Type 1 Toolkit (described below), Mary Tyler Moore’s memoir “Growing Up Again” about her own diagnosis with T1D in adulthood, and a Bayer Contour Next USB Blood Glucose Monitoring System.