
unusual facts about bureaucrat

10th century in poetry

Fujiwara no Nagayoshi 藤原長能, also known as "Fujiwara no Nagatō" (949 – death year unknown), poet and a court bureaucrat of the Heian period; one of the "Thirty-six Poetry Immortals"; taught waka to the poet Nōin

Abdallah al-Adil

But Abdallah was soon visited in Murcia by the shadowy figure of Abu Zayd ibn Yujjan, a former high bureaucrat in Marrakesh, who's fall had been engineered some years earlier by al-Jami'i, and was now serving a sentence of exile nearby in Chinchilla (Albacete).

Agincourt, Toronto

The name of the settlement was after Azincourt in northern France and apparently was intended to satisfy a French Canadian Post Office Department bureaucrat who demanded that Hill give his settlement a French name.

Ajit Pawar

These allegations were made by a Maharashtra bureaucrat, Vijay Pandhare, and caused Anjali Damani to request Pawar's resignation as a minister.

Allan Macpherson

He went to Sydney, Australia with his parents Willam and Jessie Macpherson in 1829 where he attended Cape's School and later acquired the rural properties of Keera near Bingara, New South Wales and Mount Abundance near Roma in Queensland.

Bertram Myron Gross

Bertram Myron Gross (1912 in Philadelphia – March 12, 1997 in Walnut Creek, California) was an American social scientist, Federal bureaucrat and Professor of Political Science at Hunter College (CUNY).

Dan Curtis Johnson

Dan Curtis Johnson (also DC Johnson, D. Curtis Johnson) is a programmer and comic book writer, known primarily for his creation (with J. H. Williams III) of the DC Comics series Chase, a great number of Secret Files stories, and for having converted the character of Mister Bones from a former low-level supervillain to a high-level bureaucrat with the Department of Extranormal Operations (also created by Johnson).

Duncan Scott

Duncan Campbell Scott (1862–1947), Canadian bureaucrat, poet and prose writer

Eduard Weiter

Eduard Weiter (18 July 1889, Eschwege – 2 May 1945, Itter) was a German bureaucrat who became a Schutzstaffel Obersturmbannführer and concentration camp commandant.

Feast of Lanterns

However, in Pacific Grove's version of the story, the fleeing couple turns into Monarch Butterflies (because Pacific Grove likes to be known as "Butterfly Town, USA"), as opposed to birds, to flee the evil Mandarin.

Hayat Saif

A career bureaucrat, he retired in 2000 and since then is engaged in the corporate private sector and divides his time in World Scouting and literary and artistic pursuits.

Hirotsu Ryurō

The following year, at the invitation of his father's friend Godai Tomoatsu, he moved to Osaka, and obtained a position as a bureaucrat in the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce from 1881-1885.

Historiography of science

The influential bureaucrat Vannevar Bush, and the president of Harvard, James Conant, both encouraged the study of the history of science as a way of improving general knowledge about how science worked, and why it was essential to maintain a large scientific workforce.

Hoxton Park, New South Wales

A further development of note took place circa 1857 with the construction of Bernera, a weatherboard homestead built by Allan Macpherson, son of a former Collector of Internal Revenue, William Macpherson.

Jacqueline Fatima Bocoum

From a political perspective, her father was a bureaucrat under President Léopold Sédar Senghor.

Kafū Nagai

Kyūichirō was a scholar, bureaucrat, and businessman who later became known for his Chinese poetry.

L. Carl Brown

He has authored and edited numerous scholarly publications, and won the 2005 Arkansas Arabic Translation Award for his translation of the muqaddima or introduction to a work of history by Ahmad ibn Abi Diyaf, the 19th-century Tunisian bureaucrat and reformer.

Le Grand Chef

The Japanese bureaucrat at the time was moved by the chef's loyalty to king and country, and kept it upon his return to Japan.

Lý Bát Đế Shrine

The Văn chỉ hall at the right of the main hall is used for the worship of Lý Đạo Thành and Tô Hiến Thành, two high-ranking civil mandarin officers who served the Lý Dynasty.

Mister Bones

A former low-level supervillain, he reformed and joined the Infinity Inc. team, then later the (fictional) Department of Extranormal Operations (a government agency which regulates superhero activity) as a bureaucrat, eventually rising to the rank of Regional Director for the Eastern Seaboard.

N. C. Saxena

N. C. Saxena is an Indian bureaucrat who served as a member of the Planning Commission of India.

Nathaniel P. Langford

Nathaniel Pitt Langford (1832–1911) was an explorer, businessman, bureaucrat, vigilante and historian from Saint Paul, Minnesota who played an important role in the early years of the Montana gold fields, territorial government and the creation of Yellowstone National Park.

Nega Mezlekia

Nega was born in Jijiga, the oldest son of Mezlekia, a bureaucrat in the Imperial government.

Shirley Hoy

The daughter of Chinese immigrants to Canada, Shirley Hoy has distinguished herself as a top bureaucrat in the city of Toronto.

Shizuoka Station

Railroad Minister Inoue Masaru cancelled his planned visit, and later the same day, the town around Gotemba Station, also in Shizuoka Prefecture, burned down.

State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee

For instance, one of the key decisions which faced the team – the status of the Emperor of Japan – was studied by academic-turned-bureaucrat Hugh Borton.

Stations of the Tide

Stations of the Tide is the story of a bureaucrat with the Department of Technology Transfer who must descend to the surface of Miranda to hunt a magician who has smuggled proscribed technology past the orbital embargo, and bring him to justice before the world is transformed by the flood of the Jubilee Tides.

Tasneem Noorani

Tasneem Noorani is a retired Pakistani bureaucrat who served as the Interior Secretary of Pakistan.

The Dog It Was That Died

Blair represents the quintessential upper-class English bureaucrat; there is nothing of the glamour of James Bond about him.

William Trenwith

By 1890 he was seen as a Trades Hall bureaucrat being opposed by radicals such as Chummy Fleming about working conditions, who accused Trenwith and other moderate THC bureaucrats, of 'working with blood-sucking capitalists.

Zhu Biao

While his father completed his rebellion against the Yuan Dynasty, Zhu Biao was generally kept away from the front lines and provided with the most esteemed Confucian scholars of his time as tutors.

see also