
unusual facts about bushshrike

Black-fronted Bushshrike

It forms a superspecies with the Many-colored Bushshrike (T. multicolor) and the two are sometimes considered to be a single species.

Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve

The lowveld woodlands harbour purple-crested lourie, emerald cuckoo, red-backed mannikin, golden-tailed woodpecker, gorgeous bushshrike, white-faced owl and a number of raptors like white-backed vulture, gymnogene, black-chested snake eagle, Wahlberg's eagle and long-crested Eagle.

Orange-breasted Bushshrike

Another species, Braun's Bushshrike, is sometimes called Orange-breasted Bushshrike, as well.

White-tailed Shrike

This curious bird, which some consider to have close affinities with the batises and others the bushshrikes, was discovered in 1837 by James Edward Alexander in the Naukluft Mountains of Namibia.

see also