
unusual facts about c-rations


33d Troop Carrier Squadron

The air echelon had slept in the planes, eating cold c-rations or eating occasionally at Camp Arcadia whose small kitchen appeared to be the only one on the island.

Bacon Grill

Bacon Grill was a standard element of rations in the British Army.

Biscuit Step

Biscuits were an important part of the expedition's rations (Australasian colloquialism "tucker"), and a small cache of them was left near the step for the return down the glacier by the New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition, 1957–58, which named the feature.

British Military Rations during the French and Indian War

During the French and Indian War, British military rations contained enough food energy to sustain the soldier in garrison but suffered from a lack of vitamins that could lead to nutritional deficiencies if not supplemented by the soldiers themselves through garden produce or purchase.

Bush bread

Ill-fated explorers Burke and Wills survived on bush bread for some time after they ran out of rations due to the death of their camels.

Can opener

They were also known as a "John Wayne" because the actor was shown in a training film opening a can of K-rations.

Daud Khan Karrani

Akbar then captured the neighboring fort of Hajipur which was the source of rations for the Afghan army.

Fallout shelter

Cormac McCarthy's book The Road and the accompanying movie has its main characters finding a shelter (bomb or fallout) with uneaten rations.

False Claims Act

During the war, unscrupulous contractors sold the Union Army decrepit horses and mules in ill health, faulty rifles and ammunition, and rancid rations and provisions, among other unscrupulous actions.

Field ration

The Singapore Armed Forces issues three types of combat rations - Type M (Muslim), Type N (Non-Muslim), and Type V (Vegetarian).

Gniewoszów, Masovian Voivodeship

Before the end of 1939 Judenrat was established, with curfew and strict food rations.

Looting of Battleford

The loss of the buffalo and the inadequate rations provided by the Indian agents kept the bands in a continual state of near-starvation.

Operation Shining Hope

The Department of Defense pledged over $25 million in humanitarian assistance, which, in addition to the above, also included food (humanitarian daily rations), shelter (tents), bedding, medical supplies, and vehicles.

Other Losses

Senator Kenneth S. Wherry later complained about the thousands upon thousands of tons of rations spoiling amid a starving population.

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

In 1964 the McLeod Reorganisation of Army Logistics resulted in the RAOC absorbing petroleum, rations and accommodation stores functions from the Royal Army Service Corps as well as the Army Fire Service, barrack services, sponsorship of NAAFI (EFI) and the management of staff clerks from the same Corps.

Sadik Ahmad Turkistani

Turkistani is reported to have told his lawyer, Sabin Willett, that he and fellow prisoners had planted a garden with seeds saved from their rations.

Shmuel Dovid Ungar

They made their way to Bistritz, which was under partisan control, but when the Germans attacked that city the following month, they fled and spent the winter hiding in mountain caves and subsisting on starvation rations.


A tablet recovered in Nippur lists grain rations given to the messenger of a certain Šubši-mašrâ-Šakkan during Nazi-Marrutaš’ fourth year (1304 BC).

The Politics of Starvation

He contrasts this with a letter in The Guardian by Air Chief Marshall Sir Philip Joubert which states that on his return to Britain he found the children looking pallid and suety compared with the rosy-cheeked youngsters of Denmark and criticises those who would cut present British rations to give more to the Germans.

William Stanbery

The three men bid on the supplying of rations to Indians who were being forcibly removed because of Jackson's Indian Removal Act of 1830.

see also