
unusual facts about canoness


House of Walewski

The family issued 15 senators in the First Polish Republic (1574-1795), one senator of the Polish Kingdom (1819-1831), 4 Knights of the Order of the White Eagle, 4 Knights of the Order of Virtuti Militari in the Napoleonic era and 2 during the November Uprising 1830-31, 1 Knight of Malta and 3 canonesses of Warsaw.

Julie von Egloffstein

Julie von Egloffstein (1792-1869), countess, canoness of Hildesheim, was a German artist, encouraged in her work by Goethe.

Sir Francis Throckmorton, 2nd Baronet

Her portrait was painted by Nicolas de Largillière (d.1746), as was that of her niece Elizabeth Trockmorton (d.1760), a canoness, and her nephew Sir Robert Throckmorton, 4th Baronet(1702-1791).

William Donn de Burgh, 3rd Earl of Ulster

His widow Matilda fled to England, where she remarried, was again widowed in 1346, and then became an Augustinian Canoness at Campsey Priory, where she is buried.

see also