
unusual facts about carcinogen


2011 Taiwan food scandal

Hong Kong's health secretary York Chow stated that because the ingestion of the carcinogen will be a health risk, he supports an outright ban of the DEHP agent.


MDA is considered a potential occupational carcinogen by the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

Lithium iron phosphate

Lithium iron phosphate has no known carcinogenicity whereas lithium cobalt oxide does because it contains cobalt, which is listed as a possible human carcinogen by the IARC.

Magnesium trisilicate

On March 12, 2007, Chinese health authorities seized and halted the use of magnesium trisilicate at Shaanxi Province KFC franchises, suspecting it to be a possible carcinogen.

Merkel cell polyomavirus

The IARC has recently classified MCV as a class 2A carcinogen.

see also