
unusual facts about cattails


Alaksen National Wildlife Area

In addition to the cultivated crops, the site is vegetated by various grasses in the farmland; cattails, Lyngbye's sedge, and bulrushes in the intertidal zone; and Red alder, willows and Black cottonwood, along with snowberry, salmonberry, and blackberries in the wooded areas.

Blue Lake Regional Park

Wetland plants near ponds north and west of the lake include cattails and rushes that provide habitat for marsh birds such as Red-winged Blackbirds.

Coquillettidia perturbans

This allows for the swamp-like habitat to exist for the growth of cattails (Typha latifolia L.) and also Juncus sp.

Dolichoderus mariae

It was found that the worker ants remove soil from under clumps of wiregrass, other grasses or other fibrous rooted plants such as blackberry (Rubus spp.) or cattails (Typha spp.).

Starve Hollow State Recreation Area

Aquatic vegetation, such as lilly pads Nymphaeaceae and cattails among other types, covers much of the lake, especially in the northern and eastern areas of the lake.

see also