Members of the mustard family (Brassicaceae), like cabbage, cauliflower, canola, and crambe, don’t have arbuscular mycorrihizal fungi on their roots.
Broccoli and cauliflower are closely related and fully cross compatible.
Cauliflower is thought to originate from Kythrea in Cyprus, which historically was a former British Colony.
It has been considered for a long time to cause downy mildew of a variety of species within the Brassicaceae family such as oilseed rape and cauliflower, on which the disease can cause economically important damage by killing seedlings or affecting the quality of produce intended for freezing.
A common fallacy is that he introduced words such "Blumenkohlwolken" ("Cauliflower clouds" for Cumulus) and "schlürfende Winde" (slurping wind).
In British cuisine, mixed pickles typically include small whole onions, gherkins, and cauliflower.
Romanesco, also known as Romanesque cauliflower or Romanesco broccoli, is an edible flower bud of the species Brassica oleracea.