
unusual facts about cautionary tale

Nanny Rutt

Nanny Rutt is a character in a cautionary tale associated with Nanny Rutt's well, an artesian spring in Math Wood, near Northorpe, in the parish of Thurlby, Lincolnshire.

see also

Gerry O'Hara

O'Hara's directorial debut was the 1963 cautionary tale That Kind of Girl, about the dangers of contracting venereal disease.

Gimel Everett

The Lawnmower Man is considered the first, seminal film to feature "Virtual Reality" as a cautionary tale becoming the number one commercially successful independent film of 1992, budgeted at just under $6 million and eventually earning over $150 million worldwide.

Hélisenne de Crenne

Although the overall tone and the title of the work make this a cautionary tale on the folly of love, Hélisenne puts numerous praises of love (heavily endebted to Renaissance Neoplatonism) in the mouth of certain characters.

Little Suck-a-Thumb

Little Suck-a-Thumb (1992) is a short film by writer/director David Kaplan, a psychosexual interpretation of the infamous cautionary tale from Heinrich Hoffman's storybook Struwwelpeter.

Livin' in the Fridge

It is a parody of "Livin' on the Edge" by Aerosmith, and is mainly a cautionary tale about expired food gaining sentience.

Rudolph Dirks

Editor Rudolph Block asked Dirks to develop a Sunday comic based on Wilhelm Busch's cautionary tale, Max und Moritz.

Sooty Shearwater

The incident sparked the interest of local resident Alfred Hitchcock, along with a story about spooky bird behavior by British writer Daphne du Maurier, helping to inspire Hitchcock's 1963 thriller The Birds, a cautionary tale of nature revolting against man.