
unusual facts about cheesemaker



Ralph Bigland (1712 – 1784) an English officer of arms, antiquarian and cheesemaker

Cheshire Mammoth Cheese

The cheese inspired a critically acclaimed work of fiction, The Mammoth Cheese, by Sheri Holman in 2004 and published by the Grove Press, which told the story about a small town cheesemaker convinced by her pastor to make a giant cheese for the President-elect.

Piper auritum

American cheesemaker Paula Lambert created "Hoja santa cheese", goat cheese wrapped with the hoja santa leaves and impregnated with its flavor.

Uniq plc

In 1973 it acquired Scot Bowyers, a meat-processing company Scot Bowyers, in 1975 United States-based Italian cheese manufacturer Frigo, and in 1978 US specialty cheesemaker, Gardenia.

see also