
unusual facts about chimney sweep

Chimney Safety Institute of America

In 1992, Dick Van Dyke, America’s most recognizable chimney sweep, donated his voice talent to the Chimney Safety Institute of America helping CSIA produce a public service announcement distributed to 404 stations across the country in time for National Chimney Sweep Week.


Starting in the 16th Century, the income from seasonal migration (especially chimney sweep in Lombardy and Piedmont) were added to the local economy.

Mule spinners' cancer

This cancer was a manifestation of scrotal squamous cell carcinoma which had first been noted in 1775 by Sir Percival Pott in climbing boys or chimney sweepers.

Occupational disease

The first such disease to be recognised, squamous-cell carcinoma of the scrotum was identified in chimney sweep boys by Sir Percival Pott in 1775.

see also

The Chimney Sweep

"Springman & the SS", also known as "The Chimney Sweep", a 1946 Czechoslovakian film directed by Jirí Brdecka and Jirí Trnka

The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep

Frederik Magle's album The song is a Fairytale (1994), with songs based on Hans Christian Andersen's fairytales performed by Thomas Eje and Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen amongst others, includes an adaption of The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep.