
3 unusual facts about cilium


The parapodia are also covered with cilia, which produce a minute water current that pushes the planktonic food to the mouth of the animal.


Ciliary action pushes the mucus in a film over the surface of the gill slits, trapping suspended food particles as it does so.

Pyrosoma atlanticum

Water is moved through the gill slits into the centre of the cylinder by cilia pulsating rhythmically.


Cilium | cilium |


The MKS1 protein along with meckelin are part of the flagellar apparatus basal body proteome and are required for cilium formation.


Stimulation of the patched receptor by the sonic hedgehog ligand leads to translocation of SMO to the primary cilium.

Spodoptera cilium

Spodoptera cilium, known variously as Dark Mottled Willow, Lawn Caterpillar and Grasslawn Armyworm, is a noctuid moth found throughout much of Sub-Saharan Africa and western, southern and south-east Asia and several countries in southern and eastern Europe.

see also