
unusual facts about cluster bomb

Human rights violations during the Syrian Civil War

In a 23 October 2012 statement, Human Rights Watch said that Syrian military denials notwithstanding, HRW had "evidence of ongoing cluster bomb attacks" by Syria’s air force.

Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses

Possibly the most effective type of unguided ("dumb") weapon used during SEAD strikes are cluster bombs, because many SAM sites are dispersed over a fairly wide area, in order to increase the difficulty of inflicting serious damage on the battery, and the relative "softness" of the targets (missile launchers, exposed radars, etc.).

Worms: Open Warfare

The weapons and gadgets you use in battle include grenades, homing missiles, bazookas, cluster bombs, banana bombs, dynamite, air strikes, shotguns, uzis, firepunches, dragonballs, prods, blowtorches, mines, ropes, girders, jetpacks, teleports, even use explosive sheep.

see also


M139 bomblet, a chemical cluster bomb for launch on a ground-to-ground rocket