
unusual facts about coal measures


Graeophonus anglicus has been found in the English Middle Coal Measures of Coseley, Staffordshire.

Midgeholme Coalfield

Like the other small coalfields to its east, this small outlier of the Coal Measures here at Midgeholme occurs on the Stublick-Ninety Fathom Fault System, a zone of faults which defines the northern edge of the Alston Block otherwise known as the North Pennines.

William Hulton

As the owner of Hulton Park he derived income from the seven collieries working the coal measures under the park or nearby and in 1824 became chairman of the Bolton and Leigh Railway Company, which planned and built the first public railway in Lancashire.

see also

Coal Measures Group

In those coalfields to the south of the former Wales-Brabant High i.e. the South Wales, Bristol, Somerset, Forest of Dean and concealed Oxfordshire and Kent coalfields, the corresponding group is the South Wales Coal Measures Group.


Fossils were discovered in the French Stephanian Coal Measures of Commentry in 1880.

Mesochorista proavita

The type locality belongs to the Blackstone Formation (Ipswich Coal Measures Group) and is dated to the Carnian age (228.0 - 216.5 million years ago) of the Triassic period.


Nemastomoides elaveris was found in the Coal Measures of Commentry in northern France, together with Eotrogulus fayoli.

Polystrate fossil

They discovered that the “Spirorbis” fossils found in sedimentary strata, including the Joggins and other Carboniferous coal measures, deposited from the Ordovician to Triassic periods are the remains of an extinct order of lophophorates (now called microconchids) unrelated to modern marine tube worms (Annelids) to which the genus Spirorbis belongs.

South Wales Coalfield

Iron ore was also extracted from the coal measures, principally from the north crop area (including Merthyr Tydfil and Blaenavon).