
unusual facts about codebase


ArsDigita Community System

The two most current software toolkits based on this codebase are the OpenACS toolkit and the Red Hat CCM.


The BRL-CAD source code repository is believed to be the oldest public version-controlled codebase in the world that's still under active development, dating back to 1983-12-16 00:10:31 UTC.

Phred base calling

LaDeana Hillier, Michael Wendl, David Ficenec, Tim Gleeson, Alan Blanchard, and Richard Mott also contributed to the codebase and algorithm.

Steve Kille

He founded Isode Limited in 1992, focusing on high end messaging and directory products, initially based around the ISODE codebase.


TinyMUD is the name of a MUD server codebase, and the first MUD running that codebase.

Turbo Modula-2

Instead, a group including Borland cofounder Niels Jensen, acting as Jensen and Partners, bought the unreleased codebase and redeveloped and released it as TopSpeed Modula-2.

Visual FoxPro

At the time of the end of life announcement, work on the next release codenamed Sedna (named after a recently discovered dwarf planet) which was built on top of the VFP9 codebase had already begun.

see also