
unusual facts about collective unconscious

Collective unconscious

Jung also made reference to contents of this category of the unconscious psyche as being similar to Levy-Bruhl's use of collective representations or "représentations collectives," Mythological "motifs," Hubert and Mauss's "categories of the imagination," and Adolf Bastian's "primordial thoughts."

The GM Effect

For example the other memory, a concept Herbert based on the idea of a genetic memory and Jung's collective unconscious, is in "The GM Effect" discovered by Dr. Valeric Sabantoce and accessed by both males and females by a simple use of a drug compound, while in the Dune Universe spice, as a drug, would come to dominate the future of mankind for both its ability to prolong life and to grant superhuman abilities.

see also

Eileen Clegg

Her practice is a practical application of ideas developed by scholars including Carl Jung's collective unconscious, and Rudolf Arnheim, who believe that visual perception and thinking are inextricably linked.