
unusual facts about commutative algebra

Leonid Vaseršteĭn

He is well known for providing a simple proof of the Quillen–Suslin theorem, a result in commutative algebra, first conjectured by Jean-Pierre Serre in 1955, and then proved by Daniel Quillen and Andrei Suslin in 1976.

see also

Going up

Going up and going down, terms in commutative algebra which refer to certain properties of chains of prime ideals in integral extensions

Hilbert's theorem

Hilbert's basis theorem, in commutative algebra, stating every ideal in the ring of multivariate polynomials over a Noetherian ring is finitely generated

Hilbert's syzygy theorem, a result of commutative algebra in connection with the syzygy problem of invariant theory


Regular sequence, which is an important topic in commutative algebra.