
unusual facts about compulsory purchase

Irish Land Commission

A further Land Act in 1909 fostered by the liberal Chief Secretary for Ireland Augustine Birrell allowed for tenanted land where the owner was unwilling to sell to be bought by the Commission by compulsory purchase.

Land War

Augustine Birrell's Act of 1909 allowed for compulsory purchase, and also allowed the purchase and division of untenanted land that was being directly farmed by the owners.

RAF St Eval

Five widely dispersed cottages, two houses and portions of two farms were acquired by compulsory purchase; the village of St Eval was completely demolished in order to build the airfield.

see also

Anglo-Irish Trade Agreement

Ireland was also to pay a final one time £10 million sum to the United Kingdom for the "land annuities" derived from financial loans originally granted to Irish tenant farmers by the British government to enable them purchase lands under the Irish Land Acts pre-1922, a provision which was part of the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty (to compensate Anglo-Irish land-owners for compulsory purchase of their lands in Ireland mainly through the Irish Land Commission).

Eminent domain

In the song "Here Come the People in Grey" from the album Muswell Hillbillies by The Kinks, the lyrics include the line, "the borough's surveyor has used compulsory purchase to acquire my domain".

Leeds Kirkgate Market

In order to see the plans through, a compulsory purchase order was required by the council and this refused by the Secretary of State for the Environment.

Len Cundell

He had stables at Chilton in Oxfordshire which were taken over, by compulsory purchase, by the British government about 1937 in order to build RAF Harwell.