
unusual facts about constitutional

1890 Manifesto

that a law in Idaho Territory which disenfranchised individuals who practiced or believed in plural marriage was constitutional.

2011 Malawian Air Fouling Legislation

Even though flatulence was not the target of the bill, when responding to a journalist who inquired about the ban on flatulence in January 2011 on Capital Radio Malawi's popular Straight Talk program, George Chaponda, Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs, agreed that the legislation can essentially be interpreted as a banning farting in public places and makes it an official criminal offence.

A G Noorani

He is the author of a number of books including: 'The Kashmir Question', 'Badruddin Tyabji Ministers' Misconduct', 'Brezhnev's Plan for Asian Security', 'The Presidential System', 'The Trial of Bhagat Singh', 'Constitutional Questions in India' and 'The RSS and the BJP: A Division of Labour' (LeftWord 2000).

Abdul Rahman al-Iryani

In February 1948, he participated in the "Constitution Revolution" of the Free Yemeni Movement against the King (Imam) aiming at the establishment of constitutional monarchy.

Abiel Wood

He was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1814 to the Fourteenth Congress, but served as delegate to the constitutional convention of Maine in 1819.

Ahmet Taner Kışlalı

He got his PhD on "Çağdaş Türkiye'de Siyasal Güçler" (Political Powers in Contemporary Turkey) from the University of Paris, Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science.

Alexander Keith Marshall

Marshall was a member of the Kentucky constitutional convention held in Frankfort, Kentucky in 1849.

BC Report

BC Report was noted for hosting a number of outspoken columnists such as libertarian economist Walter Block, talk show host Rafe Mair and constitutional lawyer Mel Smith.

Brett Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh also served as an Associate Counsel in the Office of Independent Counsel, where he handled a number of the novel constitutional and legal issues presented during that investigation and was a principal author of the Starr Report to Congress on the Monica Lewinsky-Bill Clinton and Vincent Foster investigation.

Carlos Mendoza Davis

He earned a law degree with honors from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in 1992, for which he wrote the thesis Human rights and their protection in Mexican constitutional law. In 1994 he attended the Institute of International and Comparative Law summer school in France, sponsored by the Cornell Law School and the University of Paris.

Charles Fincher

In 2008, Fincher was commissioned by the ABA’s Council of Appellate Staff Attorneys (CASA) to paint a fantasy illustration of Constitutional law professor Erwin Chemerinsky as a shortstop with the Chicago Cubs, the scholar's favorite team.

Constitution Hill, London

The road obtained its name in the 17th century from King Charles II's habit of taking "constitutional" walks there.

Constitution of Argentina of 1853

On May 5 he gathered with some of the most influential characters of Buenos Aires —among which were Dalmacio Vélez Sársfield, Valentín Alsina, Tomás Guido and Vicente Fidel López— to propose them to revive the constitutional project of 1826 of Rivadavia in exchange of support for his authority in front of the national government, but the project was rejected.

Constitutional Act on the Czechoslovak Federation

The reform concerned Slovak autonomy; the concentration of governmental authority in Prague was a source of discontent within Slovakia throughout the 1960s, and the federalization of the Czechoslovak government codified in the 1968 constitutional amendments was virtually the only product of the reform movement associated with the Prague Spring to survive.

Constitutional Affairs Committee

Following the reorganization of the Department of Constitutional Affairs and Home Affairs Committee and until the end of the 2006-2007 parliamentary session, the committee oversaw the Ministry of Justice.

Constitutional Arch

the arch was the heir of the constitutional system of government led by the National Liberation Committee, maintaining the structure for a long time even after the ouster of the center-left government in 1947.

Constitutional Tribunal of Ecuador

In 2005, President Lucio Gutiérrez manipulated his party's modest advantage in Congress to replace numerous justices, including eight of nine members of the Constitutional Tribunal.

Constitutions of Spain

They established the very institutions that would later, under Juan Carlos I and Prime Minister Adolfo Suárez, commit "constitutional suicide" and pass the Political Reform Act, starting the Spanish transition to democracy.

Crown Council

Crown Council of Romania, the constitutional body advising the reigning Kings of Romania

Defense of marriage amendment

Federal Marriage Amendment, a proposed constitutional amendment to ban same-sex unions in the United States

Desafuero of Manuel López Obrador

27 April 2005: President Fox announced changes in his cabinet (including the resignation of Attorney General Rafael Macedo de la Concha) and a re-evaluation of the legal case against López Obrador, and he proposed a constitutional amendment so civil rights are not suspended until a citizen is found guilty.


The Alliance of Free Democrats and the Alliance of Young Democrats held a press conference on 5 January 1990 to release evidence that officials of the state security organisation had collected private information on a number of people, an act made illegal by a 1989 Constitutional amendment.

Egyptian presidential election, 2005

The New Wafd Party and the Tomorrow (Ghad) Party contested the election even though they had opposed the May 2005 constitutional referendum, and their respective candidates, Numan Gumaa and Ayman Nour, drew significant support -- Nour won 12% and Gumaa won 5-7%.

Eugene Forsey

In his many commentaries on constitutional issues, especially the reserve powers of the Crown, Forsey was a conspicuous supporter of the action of the Governor-General of Australia, Sir John Kerr, in dismissing the Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam, in the 1975 constitutional crisis because his government was unable to obtain supply (approval to spend money) from the parliament and refused to call a general election.

Federal Farmer

The Federal Farmer was an Anti-Federalist who wrote a methodical assessment of the proposed United States Constitution that was among the more important documents of the constitutional ratification debate.

French Institute of Administrative Sciences

Renaud Denoix de Saint Marc, former president of IFSA, former vice-president of the French State Council, member of the French Constitutional Council

Gillard Government

Following the 2011 Egyptian revolution and resignation of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, Rudd called for "constitutional reform and a clear timetable towards free and fair elections".

Gray v. Sanders

Justice John Marshall Harlan II dissented, suggesting the case be sent back for retrial, which would investigate the constitutional requirements for legislative districts.

Hattersley Memorandum

Apart for removing such an option from the constitutional and political development of Gibraltar, it effectively disbanded the Integration with Britain Party, which had been in office from 1969 to 1972, and was the main supporter of the integration of Gibraltar into the United Kingdom.

History of Baden-Württemberg

The new king, William I (reigned 1816–1864), at once took up the constitutional question and, after much discussion, granted a new constitution in September 1819.

Jean Louis Barthélemy O'Donnell

He was a career military man, and later Mâitre des Requêtes in the Conseil d’État, and a conseiller (counselor) in the Cour des Comptes, where he brought democratic constitutional principles inculcated under Lameth, and true to which he remained throughout his life.

Jus soli

In an August 2010 report, the Center for Immigration Studies, through direct communication with foreign government officials and analysis of relevant foreign law including statutory and constitutional law, was able to confirm that 30 of the world's 194 countries grant automatic birthright citizenship (although they were not able to obtain definitive information from 19 countries).

Mena High School

Feeling the punishment was excessive, the students took legal action, and the case was eventually heard by the Supreme Court of the United States, which ruled that school boards have a responsibility to assure that the constitutional rights of students are upheld.

Michael McConnell

Michael W. McConnell (born 1955), American constitutional law scholar and former appellate judge


Schomann, Antiq. (p. 326, Eng. trans.) — quoted by JE Sandys (Ath. Pol., viii., 13) — refutes Gilbert, Greek Constitutional Antiquities (Eng. trans., 1895), and in Jahrb. Class. Phil. cxi.

Parliamentary Services Act

Some were skeptical of how much effect reviving the act would have on Parliamentary independence; Nazri argued he couldn't "see any less independence among MPs in the last 13 years without the PSA", and constitutional scholar Shad Saleem Faruqi called it a "merely symbolic gesture".


Michael Farris - Farris, a conservative United States constitutional lawyer, founded the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) and Patrick Henry College.

Recognition of same-sex unions in South America

Following the 26 July 2011 ruling by the Constitutional Court, Senator Armando Benedetti introduced a bill to legalize same-sex marriage.

Rezā Shāh

In particular, Abdolhossein Teymourtash assisted by Farman Farma, Davar and a large number of modern educated Iranians, proved adept at masterminding the implementation of many reforms demanded since the failed constitutional revolution of 1905–1911.

Russian All-Military Union

Many (but not all) of its members had monarchist sympathies of varying flavors: constitutional vs. autocratic, Romanov vs. non-Romanov oriented.

Salt Hill

He had also presided over a constitutional crisis in New Brunswick and had been Governor of British Guiana.

Sepp Straffner

He was one of the three national presidents who on 4 March 1933 resigned his office during a debate on a railway strike, precipitating a constitutional crisis, the dissolution of parliament and the seizure of power by the Chancellor, Engelbert Dollfuss as dictator.

Sequoyah Constitutional Convention

When representatives from Indian Territory joined the Oklahoma State Constitutional Convention in Guthrie the next year, they brought their experience with them.

Simon Kamsarakan

In November 2009 Kamsarakan requested Prosecutor General of Armenia Aghvan Hovsepyan to institute a criminal case against Armenian Foreign minister Eduard Nalbandyan for violating constitutional order and abusing authority to the detriment of the Armenia's national security and defense.

Third Amendment to the United States Constitution

In the 1st United States Congress, following the state legislatures' request, James Madison proposed twenty constitutional amendments based on state bills of rights and English sources such as the Bill of Rights 1689; one of these was a prohibition against quartering troops in private homes.

Twentieth Amendment

Twentieth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland — provided constitutional recognition of local government.

United States v. Cruikshank

As constitutional commentator Leonard Levy later wrote in 1987, "Cruikshank paralyzed the federal government's attempt to protect black citizens by punishing violators of their Civil Rights and, in effect, shaped the Constitution to the advantage of the Ku Klux Klan."

Vice President's Room

In 1919 Vice President Thomas Marshall signed the constitutional amendment bill that would grant nationwide suffrage to women once ratified by the states.

Vietnamese Constitutional Monarchist League

The Vietnamese Constitutional Monarchist League believes in politically pressuring the Communist government of Vietnam to reach it goals so the Vietnamese people would have the opportunity to choose a Constitutional Monarchy government in an election, which does not violate the U.S. Neutrality Act.

William Findley

At one point, Constitutional Convention delegate James Wilson and Pennsylvania Chief Justice Thomas McKean disputed one of Findley's statements about jury trials in Sweden; Findley returned two days later with William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England and demonstrated that his reference had been correct.

see also