
unusual facts about constitutionalist

Antonio Tavira y Almazán

He was very good friend of Minister Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos, suspicious both to the Spanish Inquisitors at the end of the 18th century of comptent and connivence with the French regalist, "constitutionalist" and "bonapartist" Bishop Henry Grégoire, Abbé Grégoire, (Vého, (Trois-Évêchés), near Lunéville, France, 4 December 1750 - Paris, 20 May 1831).

Arturo Sampay

Arturo Enrique Sampay (Concordia, Entre Ríos, 1911 - La Plata, February 14, 1977), Argentine lawyer, constitutionalist and professor.

Haydee Yorac

She was succeeded as PCGG Chairperson by veteran lawyer and constitutionalist Camilo Sabio.

Larry Catá Backer

Backer argued that the Chinese constitutionalist state differs from the Western model in that the CCP plays a central role in the Chinese constitutional order.

Stevan Knićanin

During the rule of Prince Miloš Obrenović, Knićanin's political career began as a commissioner of the Jasenica municipality in 1835, and in 1839 as a commissioner of the Smederevo district, but he eventually joined the opposition as a Constitutionalist and supporter of the rival Prince Aleksandar Karađorđević of the Karađorđević dynasty.

William Norman Grigg

William Norman Grigg (born February 4, 1963) is the author of several books from a constitutionalist perspective.

see also