Angelo Faticoni (1859 – August 2, 1931) was a professional freakshow artist and contortionist who was renowned for his unusual buoyancy.
The first episode aired on March 24, 2010, and included a contortionist, a blind man who uses echolocation, microscopic art by Willard Wigan, the fish Macropinna microstoma, a lyrebird, a man who roller skated on a roller coaster, and several other subjects.
They pioneered the use of shock theatrics in Australia with an act that revolved around vocalist and contortionist Ignatius Jones (born Jaun Ignacio Trapaga) and kitsch transvestite keyboard player Joylene Thornbird Hairmouth (born William O'Riordan).
The three girls were born in Gouda (Alexandra) and The Hague, of August Alexander Leschan, a Budapest-born contortionist, and Eva de Leeuw (1892-1985), a Dutch Jewish operetta singer.