
unusual facts about contre-amiral

Arthur Le Moyne de La Borderie

Jean Meschinot, sa vie et ses œuvres, ses satires contre Louis XI.

Canon de 75 CA modèle 1940 Schneider

The Canon de 75 contre avion modèle 1940 Schneider was a French piece of 75 mm artillery of the Second World War, designed and manufactured by Schneider et Cie in Le Creusot.

Charles René Magon de Médine

Put in command of four ships of the line and two frigates and ordered to capture fort Dauphin, Magon did so so quickly and successfully that the expedition's supreme commander Leclerc immediately promoted him to contre-amiral, stating in his report "This nomination was on the army's unanimous wish, and I do not doubt that the government will confirm it" (as it did so in March 1802).

Contre Jour

The soundtrack for Contre Jour was composed by David Ari Leon.

Général de corps d'armée

The equivalent rank in the Air Force is général de corps d'armée aérien ("general of air army corps") and in the Navy is vice-amiral d'escadre ("vice-admiral of squadron").

Leningrad-class destroyer leader

They were inspired by the contre-torpilleurs built for the French Navy.

Mademoiselle chante le blues

The song was performed during Kaas' concert tours in 1991, 1994, 1998 and 2005, and was thus included on the live albums Carnets de scène, Tour de charme in an extended edit version, Rendez-vous and Toute la musique... and also on the singer's best of Rien ne s'arrête in a live version and Ma Liberté contre la tienne.

March for Equality and Against Racism

The March for Equality and Against Racism (French: Marche pour l’égalité et contre le racisme), also called Beurs’ March (Marche des beurs) by French media (beur is the contraction of beu-ra-a which is the backslang of arabe), was an anti-racist march that took place in France in 1983, from October 15 to December 3.

Mary Luckhurst

Luckhurst’s plays include The Woman of Shallott (Cambridge 1990), translations of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing’s Emilia Galotti (London, 1993) and Elisabeth Bouchaud's A Contre-Voix (London, 1994), and Kretschmer's Diary (Prague, 1999).

Mogador-class destroyer

Mogador and Volta comprised the 6th Large Destroyer Division (6e Division de contre-torpilleurs) and were assigned to the Force de Raid based at Brest when the war began.

Mon mec à moi

The song was performed during Kaas' concert tours in 1991, 1994 and 1998, and was thus included on the live albums Carnets de scène, Tour de charme and Rendez-vous and also on the singer's best of Rien ne s'arrête and Ma Liberté contre la tienne in a live version.

Pierre Drieu La Rochelle

As late as 1931, in "L'Europe contre les patries" ("Europe Against the Nations"), Drieu was writing as an anti-Hitlerian, but by 1934, especially after the 6 February 1934 riots organized by far right leagues before the Palais Bourbon, and then a visit to Nazi Germany in September 1935 (where he witnessed the Reichsparteitag rally in Nuremberg), he embraced Nazism as an antidote to the "mediocrity" of liberal democracy.

SMS S113

She was transferred to the French Navy on 1 June 1920 and renamed Amiral Sénès.

Tide of Life

The title song, "Contre vents et marées", is written by Eric Clapton and sung by Françoise Hardy.

see also