
unusual facts about convict

1821 in Australia

February - John Bigge finished gathering evidence on all aspects of the colonial government, including finances, the church, the judiciary, and the convict system.

1822 in Australia

John Bigge's first report on all aspects of the colonial government, then under the governorship of Lachlan Macquarie, including finances, the church and the judiciary, and the convict system, was published.

1830 in Australia

23 September - The Bathurst Rebellion begins outside of Bathurst, New South Wales, following the escape of a group of convicts known as the 'Ribbon Gang' under the leadership of convict-servant Ralph Entwistle.

A Fringe of Leaves

She is rescued by the aboriginal people of the island, and she later meets Jack Chance, a convict who has escaped from Moreton Bay (now Brisbane), the brutal penal settlement to the south.

Agnes Gavin

She and her husband were best known for making films about bushrangers such as Captain Thunderbolt, Captain Moonlite, Ben Hall and Frank Gardiner, and convict-era melodramas.

Aimee Willard

With DNA evidence, her killer was identified as ex-convict Arthur Bomar, who was charged with and convicted of her murder.

Ann Howe

She appointed as editor a ticket-of-leave convict, William Augustus Watt, who wrote editorials against the spirit of slavery and attempted to expose abuses of some of the exclusives, in particular James Mudie, a bitter opponent of Bourke's.

Borstal, Rochester

Fort Borstal was built as an afterthought from the 1859 Royal Commission on the Defence of the United Kingdom, by convict labour between 1875 and 1885.

Broderick Crawford

In the film, Crawford's character is a hardened convict so violent he commands the obedience of even the most violent and psychotic prisoners in the prison yard, including those portrayed by such famous tough-guy actors as Charles Bronson, Ralph Meeker, William Talman, and Lon Chaney, Jr..

Bruno Kirby

He starred as Barry Scheck in a 2000 CBS drama American Tragedy, played a paroled convict in a season three episode of Homicide: Life on the Street, and also directed an episode of Homicide: Life on the Street.

Burnt Cabins, Pennsylvania

The town received international attention in May 1966 as a chief location of an eight day manhunt for the ex-convict kidnapper of 17 year old Peggy Ann Bradnick.

Camps Bay

Kloof Road was built in 1848 and in 1884 Thomas Bain was commissioned to build a road from Sea Point to Camps Bay using convict labour.

Charles Dunstone

Dunstone employed the controversial ex-convict Ernest Saunders as a business consultant for Carphone Warehouse prior to its flotation.

Civil Brand

She attempts to move in with her cell mate Nikki Barnes (N'Bushe Wright), who is presumed to be the leader amongst the convicts, but is denied and instead lives with Lil’ Mama (Lark Voorhies), a 17-year old pregnant convict who is deeply involved in Christianity and befriends Frances.

Convict lease

Governor Hardee ended convict leasing in 1923, in part spurred on by the Tabert case and the resulting publicity.

Covert listening device

Colin Thatcher, a Canadian politician, was secretly recorded making statements which would later be used to convict him of his wife's murder.

David Dunstan

He has written several commissioned histories, including a history of wine in the Pyrenees region of Victoria,Wine from the hills : Australia's Pyrenees region, and in 2000 he edited an autobiography by Owen Suffolk, first published in 1867 which details his experiences as a street urchin and thief in London and his transportation as a convict to Australia in 1848.

Elizabeth Steel

Elizabeth Steel arrived in Sydney Cove as a convict on board the Lady Juliana on 3 June 1790, as part of the Second Fleet, aged 23 or 24.

Florida State Prison

Lynyrd Skynyrd's song "Four Walls of Raiford" tells the story of a convict who escapes from the Florida State Prison.

Fort Borstal

Fort Borstal was built as an afterthought from the 1859 Royal Commission on the Defence of the United Kingdom, by convict labour between 1875 and 1885, to hold the high ground southwest of Rochester, South East England.

Gerald FitzGerald, 9th Earl of Kildare

After inquiries, the King wrote to Surrey that, as they had "noon evident testimonies" to convict the Earl, he thought it but just to "release hym out of warde, and putt hym under suretie not to departe this our realme without our special lisense."

Head Crusher

In the video, Bannon fights with a convict who is later unhooded, and who turns out to be female fighter Michelle Waterson.

Illusions perdues

Lucien is about to commit suicide when he is approached by a sham Jesuit priest, the Abbé Carlos Herrera: this, in another guise, is the escaped convict Vautrin whom Balzac had already presented in Le Père Goriot.

James Squire

James Squire (1754 – 16 May 1822), a convict transported to Australia, is credited with the first successful cultivation of hops in Australia around the start of the 19th century, and is also considered to have founded Australia's first commercial brewery in 1798, though John Boston appears to have opened a brewery making a form of corn beer two years earlier.

John Henry Smith

His second wife, Josephine Grosbeck Smith, spend 1888 until 1896 in exile in Manassa, Colorado, to avoid her being used as a witness to convict Smith of unlawful cohabitation.


One was introduced by Varlam Shalamov in his tales about Gulag, and it was called "calf" - a younger convict accepted to escape team for food, as a walking piece of meat.

Kristian Alfonso

In 1993 she starred alongside Dolph Lundgren in the film Joshua Tree in which she played a cop abducted by an innocent convict on the run.

La Guajira Department

Wayuu tribes feature prominently in Papillon by Henri Charrière, about an escaped convict who takes refuge with one such tribe.

Labor federation competition in the United States

And, a series of strikes by coal miners in Tracy City, Tennessee, intended to end the use of convict labor in the mines, were also put down by militia.

Lisa Rose Apramian

She had been studying the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, Gangaji and ex-convict, John Sherman and incorporating these teachings working with prisoners from consultations within San Quentin.

Lyal S. Sunga

Full Respect for the Rights of Suspect, Accused and Convict: from Nuremberg and Tokyo to the ICC, in Henzelin and Roth (eds), Le droit pénal à l’épreuve de l’internationalisation, (Bruylant) (2002) 217–239.

Macarthur Girls High School

The school is located on an area of land first granted to William Reid (a seaman-convict from the Sirius, the first ship of the First Fleet to enter Sydney Harbour in 1788).

Me, You and Him

The other regular characters were Hanley's upstairs neighbours Helen and Todd (played by Harriet Thorpe and Ron Donachie), a reformed but still scary ex-convict and his wife, who was his probation officer.

Mein Lieber Katrina Catches a Convict

Mein Lieber Katrina Catches a Convict is a 1914 American silent comedy short starring Charlotte Burton, Harry De Vere, Perry Banks, Edith Borella, Ida Lewis, and John Steppling.

Nazi concentration camp badges

In this case, the inmate is a Jewish convict with multiple convictions, serving in a penal battalion, Strafkompanie.

North Stradbroke Island

Three shipwrecked sailors, Thomas Pamphlett, John Finnegan and Richard Parsons, spent time on Stradbroke Island after they were washed ashore in 1823.

Oaks Estate, Australian Capital Territory

Timothy Beard, a pardoned convict and former innkeeper from Campbelltown in New South Wales was the first European to occupy the area.

Ratas, Ratones, Rateros

The plot follows the life of Salvador (Bustos), a young petty thief from Quito, after he is visited by his cousin Ángel (Valencia), an ex-convict with a bounty on his head.

Richard Jewell

Jewell sued NBC News for this statement, made by Tom Brokaw: "The speculation is that the FBI is close to making the case. They probably have enough to arrest him right now, probably enough to prosecute him, but you always want to have enough to convict him as well. There are still some holes in this case".

Robert Ameerali

He was nominated by the General Liberation and Development Party (Algemene Bevrijdings- en Ontwikkelingspartij, ABOP), which was founded and is still chaired by ex-rebel leader and convict Ronnie Brunswijk.

Robert Harland

He appeared too in 1961 as Corporal Clay Taylor in an episode of NBC's Wagon Train, and as Phil Davies in "The Convict's Revenge" episode of ABC's The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp with Hugh O'Brian.

Robert Sidaway

Robert Sidaway (14 January 1758 – 13 October 1809), a convict of the First Fleet, was transported to Australia for stealing in 1788.

Shi En

According to a law passed down since Emperor Taizu's time, every new convict who enters the prison must be flogged 100 times.

South Bridge Road

The road was built by convict labour in 1833 which started at the south of Thomson Bridge (now the Elgin Bridge) where it took its name from and the road is the extension of North Bridge Road which starts from Crawford Street to the north of Elgin Bridge.

St James' Church, Cooling

The churchyard provided the inspiration for the opening chapter of Charles Dickens' book Great Expectations, in which the hero of the story, Pip, meets the convict, Magwitch.

The Stranger Beside Me

DNA testing linked that killing to an ex-convict named William Cosden, who was subsequently tried and convicted of her murder.

Timothy Quinlan

In 1882, Quinlan leased the Shamrock Hotel in Perth from Daniel Connor, an expiree convict who had become one of the wealthy men in the colony.

Trupti Patel

It was one of a number of cases in which evidence was given by Roy Meadow, a controversial pediatrician whose testimony helped to convict Sally Clark, Angela Cannings, and Donna Anthony of murdering their babies.

Yeronga, Queensland

In 1823 the first Europeans passed through the Brisbane region, being the former convicts, then timber getters, Thomas Pamphlett, John Finnigan and Richard Parsons.

see also