
unusual facts about convulsion


George Nelson Edwards

One day, while going round the wards, he fell down in an uræmic convulsion, was moved to his own house, a victim of chronic Bright's disease.

Mathai Manjooran

When the state was harrowing under the effects of the Great Depression of the 1930s, yet another great convulsion engulfed the land from end to end.

Phalaris angusta

Calves that eat the grass develop neurological signs such as tremors and convulsions and gross examination of their brain tissue reveals large blue-green lesions.

Quitchupah Creek

It exits Convulsion Canyon and crosses under Utah State Route 10, south of the town of Emery, and then flows southeasterly and intersects with Ivie Creek, which ultimately merges with Muddy Creek and passing the Hidden Splendor Mine area, it passes through the San Rafael Reef at the Muddy Creek Gorge.

Tovi the Proud

It was at Tovi's wedding at Lambeth on 8 June 1042 that King Harthacnut suddenly died of a convulsion "while standing at his drink".

see also