
unusual facts about copyist

H. K. Narayana

This habit of making meticulous scripts came from the days of him being a Copyist with AIR, during the days when the Kannada typewriter was not in much use.


Copyist | copyist |

Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir

He became a scribe and copyist for Sir Stamford Raffles, followed by, in 1815, becoming translator of the Gospels and other text for the London Missionary Society.


The early 17th-century head of the house, Begtabeg, was a notable copyist who created one of the best manuscripts of the medieval Georgian epic The Knight in the Panther's Skin by Shota Rustaveli (Manuscript H-54, Georgian National Center of Manuscripts).

Fanny Elssler

Both Johann and his brother Josef were employed as copyists to the Prince's Kapellmeister, Joseph Haydn.

Fatḥ al-Din Ibn Sayyid al-Nās

In regard to the widely reported raid of Hudhayl, Ibn Sayyid al-Nas' transmission is nearly identical to the narrations of Muhammad al-Bukhari himself, save seven small differences, six copyist errors and one difference in a single word.

Johannes Heer

Johannes Heer of Glarus (1489-1553) was a song composer and copyist, and later minister in the Reformed Church.

Kiprijan Račanin

Kiprijan Račanin or Cyprian of Rača (Кипријан Рачанин; c. 1650–1730) was a Serbian writer and monk who founded a copyist school in Szentendre, just like the one he left behind in Serbia at the commencement of the Great Turkish War in 1689.

Peter Schöffer

Peter Schöffer or Petrus Schoeffer (c. 1425, Gernsheim – c. 1503, Mainz) was an early German printer, who studied in Paris and worked as a manuscript copyist in 1451 before apprenticing with Johannes Gutenberg and joining Johann Fust, a goldsmith, lawyer, and money lender.

Pieter Brueghel

Pieter Brueghel the Younger (1564–1638), son of the above, a painter and copyist, also known as "Hell Brueghel"

Seder Olam Zutta

Zunz observed that the sentence quoted by R. Baruch and Moses of Coucy with regard to the year 804 C.E. (see above) might be the author's colophon—omitted by the copyist—showing the time of composition.

see also