
unusual facts about critically endangered

Beluga caviar

The Beluga sturgeon is currently considered to be critically endangered, causing the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to ban in 2005 the importation of Beluga caviar which originated in the Caspian Sea and Black Sea basin.

Blue-crowned Laughingthrush

Until recently, this critically endangered species was generally treated as a subspecies of the Yellow-throated Laughingthrush, but that species has a pale grey (not bluish) crown.

Forrestdale, Western Australia

The nature reserve contains the only known remaining habitat of Neopasiphae simplicior, a critically endangered native bee.

Mana Island, New Zealand

One important project is the translocation of the critically endangered Whitaker's Skink from the only remaining mainland population at nearby Pukerua Bay.

Moraea aristata

Moraea aristata (Blue-eyed Uintjie or Blouooguintjie in Afrikaans) is a critically endangered species of plant in the genus Moraea, that is endemic to the city of Cape Town and is now restricted to the grounds of the Observatory in the Cape Town suburb of Observatory.

Ptychochromoides vondrozo

Ptychochromoides vondrozo is a critically endangered species of cichlid endemic to the Mananara-sud river and its tributaries near Vondrozo in southeastern Madagascar.

Réunion Cuckooshrike

The Réunion Cuckooshrike (Coracina newtoni) is a critically endangered forest bird from the island of Réunion in the Indian Ocean.

Rondebosch Common

It contains one of the only surviving pockets of the critically endangeredCape Flats Sand Fynbos” vegetation type, which exists nowhere else in the world.

Siamese tigerfish

The Siamese tigerfish, Datnioides pulcher, is a critically endangered Asian fish native to the Chao Phraya, Mae Klong and Mekong basins.

Three Gorges Dam

Of the 3,000 to 4,000 remaining critically endangered Siberian Crane, a large number currently spend the winter in wetlands that will be destroyed by the Three Gorges Dam.

Western Mallee

Most notable is the critically endangered community of Muehlenbeckia horrida subsp. abdita and Tecticornia verrucosa that occurs on the lake beds of the Lake Bryde-East Lake Bryde wetland system.

Wildlife of Cambodia

Aquilaria crassna, or chankreussna, is a tree species valued for its perfume which is currently critically endangered.

Wollogorang Important Bird Area

The rugged sandstone ranges of Wollogorang support the only surviving population of critically endangered Carpentarian rock rats as well as Rock-haunting ringtail possums, Short-eared Rock-wallabies, Sandstone dibblers and Mertens' water monitors.

see also

Atewa Range

Butterfly species include the Papilio antimachus, which has the widest wingspan in the world and the Mylothris atewa, which may be globally critically endangered.


This forest is famous to the critically endangered Jerdon's Courser Rhinoptilus bitorquatus locally known as Kalivi kodi.


The Arabian Leopard is classified as Critically Endangered in the IUCN Red List and listed in CITES Appendix 1.

Banded surili

In Singapore, the banded leaf monkey is critically endangered with a population of approximately 40 individuals left in the Central Catchment Nature Reserve.

Bridled White-eye

The Rota subspecies Zosterops rotensis is listed as critically endangered with an estimated population of only 720 birds.

Clianthus puniceus

The species is critically endangered in the wild, known only on Moturemu Island in the Kaipara Harbour.


International Gorilla Conservation Programme, formed in 1991 to ensure that the critically endangered mountain gorillas are conserved

Kuni-Muktar Mountain Nyala Sanctuary

It was set up in 1989 through the intervention of the Zoological Society of London to safeguard a small decreasing population of the critically endangered Tragelaphus buxtoni or Mountain Nyala.

Lavinia Nature Reserve

The reserve provides habitat for many birds and other animals, including the critically endangered Orange-bellied Parrot, the extremely rare King Island subspecies of the Brown Thornbill, and the Southern Hairy Red Snail.

Lindy Rodwell

Lindy Rodwell (born 13 February 1962 in Johannesburg) is a South African zoologist and conservationist who dedicated herself to ensuring viable wetland habitat and population sizes for the cranes of Africa south of the Sahara, namely the endangered Blue Crane and Grey-crowned Crane and the critically endangered Wattled Crane.

Lü Zhengcao

In 1985, to support the return of the critically endangered Père David's deer to China, Lü Zhengcao helped found and chair the China Milu Foundation, now known as the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation.

Mauritian Wildlife Foundation

The conservation work in Mauritius began as a species orientated program concentrating on a few critically endangered species, including the Mauritius Kestrel and the Pink Pigeon.

Mitchell's rainforest snail

This critically endangered snail is now largely restricted to a range of less than 5 km² of remnant lowland rainforest, scattered around the Tweed, Byron and Ballina Shires of northern New South Wales.

Moraea aristata

Consequently it is critically endangered and naturally survives only in the grounds of the South African Astronomical Observatory in the suburb of Observatory near the foot of Devil's Peak.

Mount Baw Baw

Mount Baw Baw is home to the critically endangered Baw Baw frog.

North Rothbury, New South Wales

The town is home to a small population of the critically endangered North Rothbury Persoonia (Persoonia pauciflora).

Paluan, Occidental Mindoro

This area, which also includes Mount Calavite, is a habitat of various flora and fauna, such as the rare Mindoro Tamaraw and the critically endangered Mindoro Bleeding-heart (Gallicolumba platenae).

Pinanga andamanensis

Pinanga andamanensis is one of the critically endangered species of endemic palms reported from the Andaman Islands.

Raorchestes chlorosomma

The green-eyed bushfrog is a Critically Endangered species because both the habitat and area in which it is found are being degraded by the extensively used tea, eucalyptus, and wattle plantations.

Robinson Crusoe Island

The Juan Fernández Firecrown is an endemic and critically endangered red hummingbird, which is best known for its needle-fine black beak and silken feather coverage.

Rondebosch Common

Rondebosch Common is a National Monument and an important conservation area for the critically endangered Cape Flats Sand Fynbos vegetation.

Salinity in Australia

Muehlenbeckia horrida subsp. abdita, commonly known as the Remote Thorny Lignum, is a critically endangered species due to its intolerance to salinity.

Southern Cone

Araucaria angustifolia, once widespread in Southern Brazil, is now a critically endangered species, protected by law.


Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forest, a critically endangered ecological community of indigenous plants unique to parts of the Sydney Basin bioregion, New South Wales, Australia.

Te Arai

Many species of bird life are also found locally, notably the critically endangered New Zealand Fairy Tern of which only 11 breeding pairs are left in the world.

Ternstroemia bullata

It is a critically endangered species with only two remaining individuals known, both in Clarendon Parish.

Turtle Conservancy

Founder Eric Goode traveled to Madagascar to meet with Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust (DWCT) to discuss the status of the Critically Endangered Ploughshare Tortoise (Astrochelys yniphora).


The Wallumatta Nature Reserve is a small and critically endangered remnant of preserved bushland located at the corner of Twin and Cressy Roads, North Ryde, and is significant for being the largest remaining expanse of endangered Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forest, which is an ecological community of plants unique to the Sydney bioregion.