
unusual facts about crowdsourcing


Alex Edelstein

Alex Edelstein is the Chief Executive Officer of Servio (formerly CloudCrowd) a company in the crowdsourcing space that he co-founded with Jordan Ritter in 2009.


In 2012, a Citizen science project called EyeWire began attempting to crowdsource the mapping of the connectome through an interactive game.

Crowdsourcing software development

Software crowdsourcing platforms including Apple Inc.’s App Store, TopCoder, and uTest demonstrate the advantage of crowdsourcing in terms of software ecosystem expansion and product quality improvement.

Digital sweatshop

The crowdsourcing company has a partnership with Samasource, a non-profit organization that brings computer based work to developing countries, they have currently outsourced millions of repetitive microwork to the Kenyan refugee camps.


This project has been realized with the cooperation of SAT, the publisher of PIV and holder of its author rights, and with the help of donations crowdsourced from Esperanto associations, Esperanto clubs and individual Esperantists.


InfoArmy differs from many distributed crowdsourcing models (such as Amazon's Mechanical Turk) in that each report is built entirely by one researcher team rather than by a contributing 'crowd.' Senior Researchers check the data and sources of Primary Researchers for accuracy.

Offshore outsourcing

Crowdsourcing systems such as Mechanical Turk have added the element of scalability, allowing businesses to outsource information tasks across the Internet to thousands of workers.


Thewittyshit.com is an India-based creative networking venture and crowdsourcing portal that caters to networking people based on their creativity.

Weather station

Weather observations from ships continue from thousands of voluntary merchant vessels in routine commercial operation; the Old Weather crowdsourcing project transcribes naval logs from before the era of dedicated ships.

see also